Page 2 - What do you think?
P. 2

Do you agree or


                                                                                   Have you done it?

                                                                                    How did you feel?

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                                                                                    Would you like to
       MARCH 04/2018
       GETTING TOGETHER WITH YOUR                                                            do it?

       By Daniela Olivares

       Most  people  say  there’s  not  a  stronger
       relationship than the one you made at school.
       What  do  you  think?  Do  you  agree  with  that

       Having a couple at high school can be unforgettable; it makes you
       feel the so-called ‘butterflies in the stomach’. But as everything,
       it has advantages and disadvantages. You’ll probably guess what

       I’m talking about, so keep reading.                                       Recovered from:

       The first aspect is "time". When you have a couple in high school
       you have more time to see each other, you can share a lot of time
       together and know more about one another. However, that can

       be a double-edged sword; the constant interaction can become
       boring,  because  of  the  routine  and  you  could  get  problems  to       “What do you think?”
       understand that your partner needs to share time not only with
                                                                                      the virtual magazine
       you, but also with his/her friends. On the other hand, it is the
                                                                                     makes you ask yourself
       “Academic performance"; it's true you can help each other with
                                                                                            about life.
       homework, exam's preparation, tasks, etc. But also, you can get
       some  scoldings  from  your  teacher  because  you'll  probably  be
       talking all the time with your couple and that could be annoying
                                                                                        Daniela Olivares
       for your classmates and teacher that could cause a bad score in                  Jorge Rodríguez
       your disciplinary report. In addition, you could decrease the level

       of attention you gave to the class itself, and for that reason you
       could lose your exams and forget your tasks and homework. And
       last, but not least is, what would you do if your relationship ends?
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