Page 5 - What do you think?
P. 5
daddy and I kissed him. That day I also slept with superpowered girl, I could save my dad
them. It was very sweet and funny. Also, I and all my family and
remember my funny side, I used to tell jokes on could send those Recovered from:
buses, and that was so helpful many times. One two thieves to jail. So, https://calabarb
time, my mom and I were traveling to Antioquia I shouted “I’m a super power
from Barranquilla. For that, we had to take a bus girl, and I’m going to save you
from Barranquilla to Monteria, and then, to take daddy”. Do you imagine what happened
another bus from Monteria to Antioquia. But, later? My grandfather scolded me, the
that day, there was a problem with the bus and we thieves got scared because people started to
arrived in Monteria so late, we couldn’t take the appear, and because of this they shot to the
other bus, so we had to stay in a hotel until the floor and accidentally the bullet logged itself on
next day, but we didn’t have money. Thank God my daddy’s leg, but it wasn’t serious, so as my
and my jokes; a woman who lived in Monteria dad is a doctor, he treated his wound by
and who listened to my jokes the whole trip, liked himself, then we called the police, and
me, So, she gave us lodging in her house. In everything returned to normal.
addition, she gave us food and her phone number
for upcoming occasions. I was a lovely girl. My childhood was one of the best of the world.
I did a lot of things: I loved, I hated, I yelled at
What type of music did you like when you were a people, but also, I smiled, I cried, and many
child? Children’s music? In my case, it wasn’t. I other things that made me the happiest girl in
liked Vallenato, I danced it with closed eyes, as the world. I expect you to think like me, and if
you can see, I was very charismatic. I used to do it was like that, enjoy your life nowadays, and
lots of strange things, but I didn’t matter to me, I the life of your kids. Teach them to dream as I
was happy and that was the important thing. But, did and as I continue doing every day.
without hesitation, the weirdest thing I did was
when I was 5 years old. I was with my mom and “One of the luckiest things that can happen to
my grandfather, and my daddy was at the bank you in life is, I think, to have a happy
withdrawing money. He had agreed to meet us at childhood.” - Agatha Christie.
the corner of the house. So, my mom, my grandpa
and I were walking to the corner when we saw my
dad being pointed at with a gun by a thief. There
were two men, one with a gun and the other in a
motorcycle. So, my mom started shouting and my
grandfather was trying to convince the thieves to
let my dad leave harmless, but they only wanted
all the money. However, my father didn’t want to
give them money, and he refused to do anything.
While all that was happening, I remember
thinking I was a Recovered from:
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