Page 9 - What do you think?
P. 9
As I said before, each one of us grew up with the little
lies and have seen a lot of lies from the hurtles ones to
the ones that even know us scars that are still there.
Making us ask ourselves if it would be more hurtful to
know the truth since the very beginning or just if it
would be the same is crucial. Also, we find people that
tell the truth in many situations and, they receive
harmful things too. They have heartbreaks, they lose
friends, they suffer the same as us, even worse, and
they still do it. They prefer to get hurt for the reasons,
and they go on like they haven`t been hurt in their
entire life, take a moment and think, is it really worth it
to have a sleepless night that you don’t know if you can
get out thinking about what you have done different or letting everything be clear
and honest.
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I’m not saying it is a piece of cake doing that. You are giving something of
yourself, waiting for a good response, for them to
understand that this is you, how you feel and the reality of
the situation, and it is terrifying just thinking about it.
Despite of that, it always exists the possibility, even the
smallest, that something good happens. Maybe it’s not
like you imagine it and you have to work in order to
make the situation better. But the things we actually
care about are made of time and effort too. You are
going to realize that with smile, braveness,
understanding and joyful memories you can still make
it worth all the struggle. If it doesn’t have any
solution, you did your best and kept on going. It
doesn’t mean that good things are not going to
happen. Some people aren’t meant to stay forever and it’s
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I hope that you decide to get the bravery to have candor with
the ones that surround you. It would not make you invincible
and it doesn’t make you immune to obstacles either. However
it makes us who we too, our vulnerability and growth. As I said
before, a world in which lies are common and honest people
are a treasure.
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