Page 12 - What do you think?
P. 12

Why myths are still relevant?

                                         Myths have been used to explain things that we couldn´t
                                         understand  because  of  the  lack  of  instruments  or
                                         knowledge to find out by ourselves. In most cultures this
                                         “phenomenon”  was  made  by  a  God/Goddess  or  magic
                                         creatures that were relied to do a certain thing such as the
                                         seasons, what happens to a human´s soul, or feelings like
                                         falling in love or having luck in war.

                                         The  most  known  stories  about  these  creatures  are  the
              Source:                    Greek mythology that later was taken by the Romans ‘and
              lack-Hair-Myths            used in their own mythology, which gave them similarities
                                         among  each  other  like  Hades;  Greek  king  of  the

            underworld to Pluton, the roman one, to give an example. Here are some of them:
            The spring´s myth:

            This myth was used to explain why this season exists, and it is about Persephone,
            goddess of spring and daughter of Zeus and Demeter,
            and how one day Hades starts to fall in love with her
            to the point he decides to take her to the underworld
            to  be  his  bride.  Demeter,  goddess  of  harvest  and
            fertility, didn´t know where she was so she looked for
            all around the world to find her, but it did not find her.
            Deeply sad, she forgets to do her work and the planet
            stars to cool down and plants die, so Apollo asks help
            to Zeus and she´s found with Hades. Because at that
            moment she couldn´t get out of the underworld they
            decided a deal; she will spend six months on earth with
            her mother Demeter (it would be represented as spring
            and  summer)  and  she  will  spend  six  months  in  the
            underworld (it would be autumn and winter).

            Not  all  of  them  are  about  just  God  and  magical
            creatures,  there  are  also  about  demigods  (half  god         Source: http://the-demonic-
            half  human)  or  just  human  beings  that  become
            heroes or are participants of situations that leave a
            lesson to humanity. One of them is the fall of Icarus:
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