Page 13 - What do you think?
P. 13
This myth began with him and his father Daedalus, creator of the labyrinth of the
Minotaur, trying to escape to a tower with view to the sea to never let anybody know
about the labyrinth. Daedalus then creates a mechanism made with wax and
feathers like wings to fly away with his son and
not being found. But, this invention had two
details that Daedalus warned to Icarus: he
couldn´t fly too low or he would fall into the ocean
and drown, but neither could he fly too high
because the Sun will melt the wax on his wings
and make him fall to a certain death. One day,
they decided to try it out and they flew away; the
invention worked. Despite of the warnings made
by his father, Icarus decided to try and fly higher
and higher in the sky. Until the wax finally melted
Source: away, leaving Icarus to fall in the sea and die.
/icarus This myth is an allegory to when a person wants
to try to achieve something that is way too far
from their reality, being that goal – in Icarus’ case - the Sun.
With curiosity, we can see that some of them can be applied to life nowadays like
the one of Icarus, while others are very far away from our reality such as the myth
of the Minotaur (half bull half human). Either way, they are part of history and
culture worldwide, because of how these myths and traditions were spread across
the globe.
“What do you think?”
the virtual magazine makes you
ask yourself about life.
Daniela Olivares
Jorge Rodríguez