Page 6 - What do you think?
P. 6
What are the most
common situations
that makes you feel
Do you already have
a method for
managing the stress?
If so, which one is
Found from:
Why do we let stress
Do you think that
this method is going stops us?
to help a specific
type of people? Each one of us have suffered stress once in a while,
Why? maybe because of an exam that you have the next
day or a present you want to give to someone, about
a presentation or because of the decision to live
away from home, either way anybody of us has felt
this at least once and we learn to handle the
nervousness and anxiety that this brings every
time. In spite of the years of knowing this feeling,
many of us doesn’t know how to handle it and just
prefer to stay away from actions and situations that
develop this feeling at any cost, thinking that it’s
going to disappear when it never actually does. You
can, as I said before, face it and learn from it and
let it strengthen you or you can let them define you.
Found from: If you want to do the first one, I would like to tell
you some things that helped me and maybe are
going to help you:
Obviously, the first thing you have to recognize in order to improve how to react
is the main situations and how they make you feel. To give a common example,
people get stressed because of the fact that maybe they wouldn’t remember their
part in an important presentation. Now you have the reason, the doubt that
makes you feel stressed. In this case, study enough to be confident of what you
are saying. Make sure, you really understand it; not necessarily it has to be that
you learn it by heart with all the punctuation nor you have to read it twenty
thousand times, as long as you can defend yourself talking about it, it is perfect.
Well then, you have already found a solution, sometimes is not that easy to find