Page 10 - March 2017 Rev E_Neat
P. 10

ISSUE NUMBER  165                                                                                                                                                           MARCH 2017
                                                       THE TOWN CRIER

                 HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES
                  MRS. CLAUDIA PRATER
                      ON MARCH 22ND
                      TOWNVILLE, SC

                     HAPPY BIRTHDAY
                       MICHELLE HIX
                      ON MARCH 14TH
                     "39 AND HOLDING"
                        YEA-RIGHT?!                  HODGES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:
                                                     Located just off highway 178 in a peaceful meadow is the pristine
                  MS SHARON MOSTELLER                white Presbyterian Church of Hodges, SC. The public is invited to
                       CELEBRATES A                  attend Sunday services commencing with Sunday School at 10:00
                BIRTHDAY ON MARCH 28TH               AM followed by morning worship at 11:00 AM This church was
                    "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"!                established in1899.

                                                            HERE A RE A FEW UNITED STATES
                                                            GEOGRAPHY QUESTIONS FOR YOU!
                                                            1.  What is the capital of Wyoming?
                                                            2.  Which state is the largest in area?
                                                            3.  Raleigh is the capital of which state?
                                                            4.  Which state is known as the "Garden State"?
                                                            5.  What is the capital for the state of New York?
                         TOWNVILLE CAFE                     6.  Which state is known as the "Show me" state?
                                                            7.  In which state is the Hoover Dam?
                       6601 Hwy 24, Townville SC

                   Come see us 7 days a week!               8.  What is the capital of Kentucky?
                        Mon—Sat 6:00 AM—8:00 PM             9.  What is the nickname for the state of Georgia?

                   Lunch buffet Mon-Fri & Sunday            10.  In which state is Mt. Rushmore?
                  Breakfast Buffet Saturday 7-11AM          Answers on page 30
                   Sunday hours 6:30 AM—2:00 PM

                         864 287-2345

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