Page 12 - The 10 Most Innovative Green Energy Startups 2019
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Our mission is
to provide solar
developers with
improvements in
their workflow. Our
offering in the form
of a Software as a
service (SaaS) model
incorporates the
best design practices
possible “
he SolarLabs is an enterprise improvements in their workflow. is an IIT Mandi EE ‘17 undergrad.
with a vision to accelerate Our offering in the form of a He is a Solar Evangelist who wants
Tthe pace of solar rooftop Software as a service (SaaS) to do his bit to save the world from
adoption. We believe that this model incorporates the best global warming.
goal can be achieved through design practices possible. We exist
innovative technology and to serve a market in India that Obstacles We Face Today
services. Commercial buildings in currently relies on rules of thumb The rooftop solar market can be
cities, Industrial sheds and even and follows unreliable practices. divided into 2 major categories.
residential buildings can utilise the Through extensive research of EPC Developers that design and
rooftop area to generate electricity. market conditions and trends install systems greater than 50KW
This is achieved with the use of the team behind The SolarLabs usually have a pan India presence.
photovoltaic solar panels. Albeit software has delivered a great Other smaller projects are
unpopular misconceptions, it product. carried out by developers whose
is financially viable to install operations are limited to cities
such systems on roofs. Multiple The Men behind in which they are found. Both of
infrastructure development and The SolarLabs has 5 Co-Founders. them have different challenges,
energy services companies have They were batchmates in though regulatory hurdles are a
entered this market in the last undergraduate college. Those are common issue. For a while now,
decade. The Indian solar market Siddharth Gangal, Ankush Jindal, the solar market has failed to
has seen a tremendous growth Ashwin A, Abhay Singh and reach its full growth potential
since 2012.
Devang Bacharwar. due to bureaucracy at the Discom
Our mission is to provide solar Mr. Siddharth Gangal, the Co- layer. Even though the central
developers with substantial Founder & CEO of The Solarlabs government supports renewable
energy generation, certain arms