Page 17 - The 10 Most Innovative Green Energy Startups 2019
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Green Energy Startups 2019
Founding Office Company
Company Logo Company Name Management Website Brief
Year Location Strength
3S Green Energy Yogesh Patel 2013 Mumbai 11-50 3S Green Energy (India) Pvt.Ltd. is a Now More 6 years
entrepreneurial parent company of total 4 group companies in
Founder & Director the Indian & international market.
Ador Green Energy Pvt. Ltd.(AGEPL) is a member of the
Ador Green Energy Vindur Mansukhani 2008 Mumbai 1-11 Ador Group of Companies. Every Ador Group Company has
Managing Director
its own area of specialization and core competence.
Arushi Green Energy Mr. Shashikiran N K 2010 Bengaluru 11-50 Arushi Green Energy (India) Private Limited is an experienced
solar power consulting company. We deliver integrated sus-
Managing Director
tainable solar energy production solutions.
Claro Energy Kartik Wahi 2011 New Delhi, 51-200 Claro Energy offers solar-powered water pumping solutions to
Co-founder Delhi meet irrigation and drinking water needs in off-grid rural areas.
GP Green Energy Jayabrata Mukherjee 2007 Kolkata, 11-50 GP Green Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd. (GP Energy) is part of the
Systems Managing Director West Bengal global revolution to achieve “Green Energy Generation”.
Green Elephant Sangram Singh 2008 Mumbai 11-50 Green Elephant is cooperation with leading experts globally
using different waste management technologies not only
Director focussing of organic waste.
Mumbai, Oorjan is a technology and Finance enabled distributed solar
Oorjan Mr. Gautam Das 2014 Pune, 11-50 company in India catering to residential, commercial and
Founder Bangalore, industrial end users.
Patna +
Powergreen Energy Puneet Banga 2016 Delhi 51-200 Powergreen Energy Solutions Llp, Founded and Promoted
Solutions Founder by Puneet Banga in the year 2016, an Electrical Engineer and
MBA by qualification with over 22 years’ experience
The SolarLabs Siddharth Gangal 2017 Noida 8-10 The SolarLabs is an enterprise with a vision to accelerate the
pace of solar rooftop adoption. We believe that this goal can be
Co-founder & CEO achieved through innovative technology and services.
Green Solarwale India Pvt. Ltd., founded in 2016 is a high-
The Solarwale Sandeep Vig 2016 Delhi 10+ tech enterprise primarily functioning in the fields of detailed
and accurate analysis, implementation and maintenance; and
Foundr & CEO conclusively academic and applied training in the fields of
solar energy harnessing and utilization.