Page 21 - The 10 Most Innovative Green Energy Startups 2019
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combined heating, power plants,      integration of existing plant for    access high quality products, at
        process industry, large stationary   Physical and Chemical Refining       competitive costs, designed and
        diesel, biogas engines and marine    (pre-treatment of oils)              manufactured by ASME certified
        diesel engines. Demand for                                                companies in India.
        alternative energy production is     High FFA pretreatment                AGEPL will offer complete
        on the rise due to the long-term     (esterification)                     solutions to these companies to
        increase in fossil fuel, electricity   Ion exchange resin purification,   make in India at competitive costs.
        prices, and to prevent global        waterless wash of biodiesel
        warming. Producing electricity                                            Market in India
        with Opcon Powerbox from waste       Methanol recovery                    Requirement of renewable energy
        heat contributes in energy saving    Biodiesel distillation               products/projects is set to grow
        and also adds significant value to   Glycerin distillation                exponentially in India. We seek
        the supply chain. It’s the largest                                        partners who want to market
        investment by Opcon in organic       We also provide holistic solutions   in India niche technology and
        growth based on proprietary          for increasing the production        products/ projects in the following
        technology.                          capacity of biodiesel using existing   renewable energy segments:
                                             plant and machinery.
        d. Distillation Systems                                                   Biofuels - second generation

        We offer expertise in executing      Opportunities in India               technologies/projects
        process packages for purification    Make In India                        Waste to energy - MSW/ Solid
        of Methanol, Biodiesel,              India offers tremendous scope        waste/ Agricultural residue to
        Ethanol, Glycerine. The process      to make products/projects            electricity
        package includes design,             competitively. Manufacturers of
        detailed engineering, process        renewable energy products/ EPC       Geothermal energy products/
        guarantee, manufacturing, testing    contractors of renewable energy      projects
        and inspection, supply and           projects can make in India for       Upgradation of Biogas to
        commissioning assistance on site.    their Global requirement or for      Transporation fuel (BIO CNG)
        All related equipment such as        customers in India. AGEPL will       Hydrogen generation plants
        distillation process column with     assist in finalizing suppliers for   (electrolysis technology) and fuel
        internals, coolers and vessels       these products.                      cells for industrial applications
        conform to ASME –U stamp.            In addition, Users of renewable      Raw Water/Wastewater treatment

        e. Retrofitting Systems              energy products can also outsource   solutions, including solar
        Customers’ needs are assessed and    their requirements to AGEPL;         desalination plants for rural
        solutions are provided for complete  such customers will be able to       applications

                               “       We offer global

                                       technologies to customers
                                       in India with the

                                       objective of Providing
                                       optimal renewable energy

                                       solutions                                          “

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