Page 22 - The 10 Most Innovative Green Energy Startups 2019
P. 22

Ador Green Energy:

        We Deliver Integrated Sustainable Solar Energy Production

                   rushi Green Energy        architectural applications and off   decentralised and fairly shared
                   (India) Private Limited   grid standalone installations.       energy we need to live on earth.
                   is an experienced         Solar power installations have to    Arushi Green Energy has a
        Asolar power consulting              be ecologically and economically     strategic alliance with advisory
        company. We deliver integrated       profitable. Precise planning,        panel supported by “the brightest
        sustainable solar energy production   meticulous selection of premium     and best”. Our advisory board
        solutions. Our portfolio comprises   components and their optimal         members are more experienced and
        of solar systems for private and     harmonization with each other are    knowledgeable in their pertinent
        commercial users as well as the      important building blocks of solar   field.
        public sector.                       success.
        We are experienced in solar          ARUSHI GREEN ENERGY built            We are seeking a professional
                                                                                  opportunity to prove our skills
        power Engineering, Procurement,      on a platform of over 25 years       to benefit your organization by
        Construction and Supply of           knowledge in the area of solar       capitalizing our professional
        economic solar power installations.   power and energy management.        success as consultant. We
        Our trained and professional         The ARUSHI Green Energy team         are having the talent and the
        team add real value for your solar   comprises of seasoned consulting,    experience to become the
        project and will carry out the       design, and management               best performers. We also have
        detailed engineering design of the   professionals and experience is      knowledge of various key areas
        project, procure all the equipment   our hallmark. We have ability to     that will definitely impact bottom
        and materials necessary, and then    solve the problem with the aim to    line.
        construct to deliver a functioning   build solid dividends on a secure
        facility or asset to clients. We     investment, reducing dependence      Our team is comprised of core
        do not compromise on quality,        on conventional energy.              professionals in this field, who
        performance and longevity of the                                          have been dedicated to solar
        systems we deliver. We design        We understand the current trends     industry for the past several years.
        them by combining components         within our industry and also gain    The combined experience of our
        from leading producers with those    insight to the environment of        core group exceeds 25 years in
        we have developed and produced       Clients, Technology, and Society     solar water heating and solar
        ourselves. We also offer transparent   in general, so that our solution   photovoltaic systems. Our team
        and customer friendly warranty       becomes relevant and provides the    in Marketing, Production, Quality
        provision.                           needed impact. We focus on result    and Projects are veterans in their
        Arushi Green Energy provides         rather than work, enthusiastic about  respective areas with the design
        Engineering, Procurement and         sharing knowledge, committed to      and installation experience of over
        Construction solution for Off-grid/  a life time of learning, reading,    3 Lakh litres in solar water heating
        On- Grid installations for homes,    observing, and growing.              system and cumulative of 25 MW
        agriculture users, public facilities   We consider ourselves part         of Solar Off-Grid and On-Grid
        and large commercial projects. We    of global network in shaping         connected power plant in India.
        also offer a broad range of special   transformation to produce clean,    Thus with our inherent strength, we

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