Page 23 - The 10 Most Innovative Green Energy Startups 2019
P. 23

“        We understand the                                                                Mr. Shashikiran N K

               current trends within our
               industr y& gain insight
               to the environment of
               Clients, Technology, and                                                         Managing Director
               Society in general, so that
               our solution becomes
               relevant & provides the
               needed impact

        can confidently present ourselves    On- Grid installations for homes,
        and ensure that we deliver the best   agriculture users, public facilities
        designed and operational system.     and large commercial projects. We
        Our Mission and Vision               also offer a broad range of special
                                             architectural applications and off
        To create awareness about the        grid standalone installations.
        uses of Solar, Wind, Biogas                                                      System)
        and Biomass based various            Our Experience                           •  Solar Distillation Plant
        technologies among the public.       Arushi Green Energy built on a       Core Solar Services
        To promote the installation of       platform of cumulative 25 years      Solar off grid/on grid power plant
        power plants based on renewable      knowledge experience in the
        energy sources for energy Security.  area of solar power and energy       Solar Utility Scale Power Plant
                                             management. The ARUSHI
        To promote the energy conservation   Green Energy team comprises          Solar Power Generation for
        measures for efficient use of energy   of seasoned consulting, design,    Captive use/Net Metering Concept
        resources.                           and management professionals         Solar Water Pumping System
        To promote green building design     and experience is our hallmark.      Solar Street lighting system
        for efficient use of energy in       We have ability to solve the         Solar Water Heating Systems -
        housing, commercial and industrial   problem with the aim to build        Industrial/Commercial Application
        sector.                              solid dividends on a secure

        The Skilful Visionary                investment, reducing dependence      Solar Drying System and Solar Air
                                             on conventional energy.
                                                                                  Heaters (Agriculture product and
        Mr. Shashikiran N K is the           Solar Products                       Industrial components)
        experienced Managing Director                                             Solar Parabolic Cooking
        with a demonstrated history of       Solar Photovoltaic                   application
        working in the renewable and             •  Solar Off Grid Power Plant
        environment industry. He is skilled         Solar On Grid Power Plant     Power Trading
        in Business Planning, Market                                              Turnkey Projects-Solar PV and
        Research, Business Intelligence,         •  Solar Water Pumping           Solar Thermal
        PV, and Renewable Energy. He                System                        Design Engineering Consultancy
        is a strong business development         •  Solar street lighting system
        professional with a B Com focused    Solar Thermal                        PMC (Project Management
        in Solar Energy from Kuvempu                                              Consultancy)
        Vishwavidyanilaya.                       •  Solar Water Heating           EPC (Engineering, Procurement
        Our Portfolio                               Systems                       and Contracting)

        Arushi Green Energy provides             •  Solar Drying System           O&M (Operation & Maintenance)
        Engineering, Procurement and             •  Solar Steam                   for Solar Thermal & Solar Photo-
        Construction solution for Off-grid/         Generation(Parabolic          voltaic

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