Page 20 - The 10 Most Innovative Green Energy Startups 2019
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Ador Green Energy:
Solutions for New & Renewable Energies
dor Green Energy available for Water and Air stringent U.S., European and Indian
Pvt. Ltd.(AGEPL) is purification: quality specifications.
Aa member of the Ador Water and waste water treatment, b. Greencoal
Group of Companies. Every Ador including removal of Arsenic
Group Company has its own and Fluroide from raw water; Municipal Solid Waste
area of specialization and core containerized plans using process Management
competence. of Electro flocculation combined GREENCOAL technology is the
We offer global technologies with ultrafiltration and nano only technology in the world that
to customers in India with the filtration eliminate the need for can convert domestic solid waste
objective of Providing optimal chemicals in water treatment. into a renewable energy source.
renewable energy solutions. Waste gas treatments include The GREENCOAL Project is a
We offer technology and plans for Odor Control Systems as well reliable alternative to selective
waste sorting, especially in the
the following: as upgrading of biogas to bio areas where this process is very
• Production of Biofuels, methane. slow or even not yet implemented,
including Biodiesel The Visionary Leader being a sustainable alternative
and Hydrogen Derived Vindur Mansukhani is the to land fills and waste dumping,
Renewable Diesel, Managing Director at Ador Green incineration, biogas production
• Production of Oleo Energy Pvt. Ltd. and degasification. GREENCOAL
chemiacals, Our Product & Services technology is the only technology
in the world that can produce
• Distillation systems for a.BioDiesel Production Equipment caloric pellets that can be fired
methanol, biodiesel, in conventional power plant. The
glycerine and ethanol, AGEPL is offering ISM’s GREENCOAL pellets are brittle
• Generation of electricity efficient, cost-effective, clean and they can be easily crushed
and waterless modular biodiesel
from process waste heat in production platform for small to (with less energy than for the fossil
diverse industries such as mid-scale production applications. coal).
petrochemical, pulp and Committed to addressing the c. Waste heat to electricity
paper, shipping, mining, world’s environmental and socio-
glass manufacturing and economic issues with biodiesel AGEPL represents Opcon AB
many more industries. production technology, ISM is Sweden in India. Opcon Energy
Standalone power plants a world leader with patented Systems is a part of Opcon’s
work as Organic Rankin waterless biodiesel processors. Renewable Energy business
Cycle as well as Wet Stream ISM is one of the few companies area, specialising in developing
Turbine technologies, that have successfully built and technology for small-scale
production of electricity (100KW
• Waste biomass (including installed high-capacity, waterless - 1600KW) from waste heat.
Municipal Solid Waste) to wash biodiesel production facilities Based on unique screw compressor
Energy. that have reliably and consistently technology, the Opcon Powerbox
Turnkey solutions are also produced biodiesel that meets is designed for applications in
20 September 2019 │SwiftNLift│