Page 18 - The 10 Most Innovative Green Energy Startups 2019
P. 18

3S Green Energy:

         A Successful Service Provider, System Integrator,
         Manufacturing & Trading Company

            “      Our vision is to be a

                   successful service provider,
                   System Integrator,
                   manufacturing & Trading

                   company globally by meeting
                   or exceeding our customer
                   Needs and expectations                         “

                                                                                                     Yogesh Patel
                                                                                                     Founder & Director

             S Green Energy (India)          He has more than 23+ Years           & Trading company globally
             Pvt.Ltd. is a Now More          of Experience in the Field of        by meeting or exceeding our
        36 years entrepreneurial             Marketing, Business Development,     customer Needs and expectations
        parent company of total 4 group      New Product approvals in Utilities,   by delivering cost effective, right
        companies in the Indian &            Govt Tendering, offer submission,    quality and customer oriented
        international market, This is brain   tender costing, Purchase and        technology solutions on time.
        child of this company’s founder      Supply Chain management,
        & Director, Yogesh Patel, who        Project Costing , Estimation,Order   Awards & Accolades
        is Electrical Engineer, Fellow       execution, following all project     3S Green Energy India is awarded
        member of Institute of Engineers of  mile stones and timely project       with ‘50 Most Impactful Global
        India and Charterted Engineer from  delivery & repair and Maintenance     Green Leader Awards 2018’
        Institute of Engineers of India &    of Capital Electrical Equipment
        MBA in Project Management and        like Power & Distribution            Hurdles in the Industry
        with 23+ years rich professional     Transformers, Transformer’s
        experience in various field of       components & Indoor and Outdoor      The biggest challenges today are
        Electrical engineering, he brought   Switchgears, Transmission lines      Falling Tariff on Utility Scale Govt
        his thought Into reality of a        and Sub-Stations from LV, MV, HV  Solar & Wind Projects; Now Solar
        company. He brought his ideas        and EHV up to 1200kV Class.          & Wind Project Capacities are
        into a Company and summed-up                                              Under Bidding and Reluctant Govt
        all versatile experience into a real   Vision of 3S Green Energy India    Policy on Finances to SME Solar
        company                                                                   EPC Companies converting them
                                             To be a successful service provider,   to NPAs.
                                             System Integrator, manufacturing

        18                                                                               September 2019 │SwiftNLift│
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