Page 14 - The 10 Most Innovative Green Energy Startups 2019
P. 14


             The Solarlabs is

             committed to help reduce
             our society’s carbon

             footprint. In the fight
             against climate change,

             increasing the mix of
             renewable sources based

             electricity will be crucial                   “

        by deploying high quality work       hasten this transition, our product   almost 80% of the market today.
        at every potential rooftop. In       solves for multiple roadblocks.      We believe this to move gradually
        the design phase of a project,       Specifically, in the rooftop solar   in the favour of the residential
        our software ensures a high          segment we found a gap that can      market. Some innovative business
        performance design. By using         be solved using our product. Apart   models can be profitably deployed
        many settings in the software        from remarkable improvement in       only after a few regulatory
        design engineers can reduce          current design practices, we feel    changes. The RESCO model
        turnaround times for every           our product can enable exponential   applicable for the industrial players
        project. Thereby freeing up time     rooftop solar deployment at scale.   provided a major impetus. Similar
        and resources for more projects,                                          boosts are expected that will allow
        expanding the market size. We also   Exceptional Future                   our company to truly reach its
        enable the use of Drone imagery      We expect massive acceptance of      potential.
        and accurate 3D modelling. This      our software by the Indian players
        is a critical technological leap     within the next 8-9 months.          Year of Founding: 2017
        which can reduce costs for solar
        developers.                          Today’s Industry Scenario            Founding Members: Siddharth
                                                                                  Gangal, Ankush Jindal, Ashwin A,
        Motto to Reduce Carbon               The rooftop solar market is          Abhay Singh, Devang Bacharwar
        Footprint                            serviced by solar developers that
                                             are highly fragmented. Apart from    Office Locations: Noida
        The Solarlabs is committed to        some large project developers, the
        help reduce our society’s carbon     solar developers are independent     Company Strength: 8
        footprint. In the fight against      and small team operations. Rooftop  Industry: Renewables &
        climate change, increasing the       solar projects on industrial and
        mix of renewable sources based       commercial roofs account for         Environment
        electricity will be crucial. To                                           Website:
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