Page 13 - The 10 Most Innovative Green Energy Startups 2019
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of the governance create a lot of Valued Services We tackle our competition by
uncertainty in different stages of a building a superior product
projects’ lifecycle. Clients are solar developers, and putting a lot resources into
whereas the users of the software engineering. Our product captures
Proven Expertise in the Unique are design engineers and sales a lot of design related nuances very
Niches executives. A design engineer efficiently that help our clients
today uses multiple softwares achieve amazing results.
The SolarLabs has created a to accomplish several tasks
product which enables its users to routinely. This consumes time Our Work On Making The
create high performance designs and a lot of the work is carried Industry Better
and layouts with the help of out inefficiently, for the lack of
integrated tools. This software a better option until now. TSL The industry can be made better
is the only product our clients provides a one stop solution for all
will need starting from a site parts of a designer’s routine job.
visit, creating a 3D model of the Moreover, our customers have
building, printing plant layout reported increased satisfaction
and specifications. We have due to quicker turnaround times
also integrated important design sales executives to convert more “
per project of any size. We also
optimization tools along with offer a unique tool that enables Our product
electricity output simulations. captures a lot of
By using a tool called Solar clients for their employer. Since
Access, the design engineer can we provide a 3D model for every design related
use it to automate an otherwise design, the sales executives can nuances very
time consuming part of shadow use our tool to explain features of
analysis. When the client has the system to their prospects. efficiently that
higher quality drone imagery
available, our software can One Step Ahead of the
integrate it into the workflow. Competition achieve amazing
help our clients “