Page 44 - Reflections of you 8-12
P. 44



                                             An opportunity to learn

             Last summer, I worked in a milk factory for 1 month without any holidays. The purpose was to challenge

             myself. It was my first job. Thus, it was hard for me. I was working from 8 AM to 8 PM, then would go home
             on the last bus of the day. I arrived at my home around 9 PM. After a month of work, I got pretty good

             wages. Also, I got great experience learning about the value of money, communication skills, discipline,
             responsibility and adaptability skills. For me, that was more valuable than the money I got.

             My first week of the job was like a nightmare. There were new surroundings and new people, who are 15-
             20 years older than me. The first time I packaged the bowls of milk in a box, it was quick. Also, if I couldn’t

             package products quickly, the machine would get stuck. It means other workers would need to do more
             work due to my errors. It depressed me and I was physically and mentally suffering. I struggled with

             bullies, dizziness and exhaustion. Every night I thought "why am I doing this? I can't overcome this, maybe I
             need to quit it". My inner person says if I start it, I will finish it. Hence, the war started in my head between

             two mindsets. These say "I can't" and "I can". Then "I can" won. I decided to fight the obstacles, and take my
             thoughts captive

                                                               . The result was impressive.

             I just needed 2 weeks to adapt and learn. From that moment, I started to admire our potential as humans.
             From this, I realize an obstacle is part of success and I can adapt in any condition. I just need to believe in

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