Page 43 - Reflections of you 8-12
P. 43

An unexpected place

                 It was freezing cold! When I woke up, I felt like I had to survive. I was sleeping in my bed, just a few moments ago.
                             This place looks and feels like home, but it's not. I have no idea where I am or how I got here.
                 I got up from my bed and went out to find my parents, but nobody was home. At first, I thought they were just busy
                       or went somewhere together. Even my brother was gone. I was terrified, thinking that my family left me.

                 I was freezing, so I put on the thickest clothes I had. My curiosity led me to go outside to find my family. It turns out,

                                not just my family. THE WORLD has left me. I ran and ran, but there was no soul alive.
                   That place was not normal. It was darker than usual, but with bright yellow sun. I can smell this weird gas smell
                 everywhere I go. The weirdest thing, is that every word there was written backwards. I was confused for a second,
                     then something got into my mind. This is something that no one believes, "the reverse dimension universe".

                                                   I froze for a moment, thinking I was stuck here forever

                     I was panicked, scared, terrified, and confused. Everything was moving so fast


                 I was about to go crazy, but then I woke up in my bed as if nothing happened. I thought 'was it really just a dream?'. I
                 guess it was. My hands were still freezing and the gas smell was still on my clothes. Everything was so real that it
                  can't be a dream. I still don't know what that place was.  Why was I there? How did I get there? I thought nobody
                                                 would believe me, so I kept these things in my memory.

                                                                                                                                 Misheel A.

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