Page 50 - Reflections of you 8-12
P. 50



                                         To the hopefully smarter me

                What is happening there 10 years later than now? I hope you have met your true love. I had so many questions but
            now, I forgot some of them. Did you go to a famous university? Today is 7th of November 2021, what happened
            tomorrow? Did you become rich? If you have any instructions, write me back, okay?

                Now I have a few words to say to you. First, move on from her. I do not know you forgot her or not but, according to
            my feelings now, I will keep her in my heart. Forget her and love your girl who are beside you now. Second, save
            your money because the new members of your family in your life do not have any. Keep your kid rich anytime, on
            both on the money side, but more importantly, the mentality side. Third, pass on your dream to travel across the

            Earth with your parents. 4th, work till you die for money to give to your family. You can support your sisters with
            money. You can gift a ticket to France for your wife's birthday (if you marry)! You can buy a bike or car that I am
            dreaming of right now.

               Then finally, be happy. The leader always walks at end of the wolf pack. That is the most important thing that I want
            to say.

                                                                          BE HAPPY

                                                                        FORGET HER

                                                                  SAVE YOUR MONEY

                                                MAKE YOUR DREAM IN LIFE COME TRUE

                                                                  WORK FOR MONEY

                                                                                                   From: the edition of you that is little bit stupid
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