Page 51 - Reflections of you 8-12
P. 51

To me at ten years older

                       Hello, Nomungoo. It’s me yourself 10 years ago. I just want to write a letter to my future self 10 years from

                       now. Now I’m 25 maybe a college student or CEO of my own company. This is the reason why I’m writing
                       this letter. I dreamed that 10 years from now, I’ll be enrolled in a top college in the world after graduation.
                                                      I’ll start my own company after finishing university.

                          I just want to ask so many questions. First, I just want to ask: Are you happy with yourself? I hope that
                       you’re happy with yourself. Did you study at a top university? Did you start your own business? I think the
                       business will be Recycled paper business. If I do well, I feel it would be because of my business teacher
                                                        Oyunchimeg. You will remember the reason.

                        Okay, let’s talk about our family. I really want to see my brother. He will be 12 years old. I imagine him tall,
                        thin and handsome like his father. I know that he is so smart like his mom and dad. I wish that my family
                        will proud of me. I hope that I was good girl. Now it’s time to talk about friends. Is Jansaya still your’ best
                                                                    friend? I think we will be.

                        So after all these questions, maybe some answers will be different that I expect. But I just really want to

                                           You tried your best and you should be proud of yourself. ,

                          I just want to remind you to tell the people who helped “Thank you so much.” Say “ love you” to mom,
                        dad, your brother, grandmas, and especially Jansaya. These people were there for you in your darkest


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