Page 68 - 2022-2023 Creative Writing
P. 68

The Uncensored Library

         As we all know, the media and press are accessible to almost everyone in our modern society. Anywhere

         you  go,  there  is  a  high  probability  that  you  will  encounter  news,  some  entertaining,  while  others  are

         disturbing. Have you ever thought about how much the media gets censored? But that also begs the
         question of "should it be regulated?".

         You wouldn't want your children to stumble across sensitive media that would prove traumatic for them,

         but most parents wouldn't want their kids to feel restricted and confined either. Millions of photos, videos,
         and other forms of entertainment are posted daily, so it isn't usual for some of it to be harmful. Internet

         providers  or  countries  have  built-in  restrictions  on  certain  websites  to  combat  this.  Governments  and

         companies  have  full  authority  over  what  information  goes  through,  and  people  can  only  stand  back
          consuming what is allowed. The reason they do so can be varied. They may shield us from ill media or

         suggest an extreme form of propaganda that feeds the public, biased information. They can also silence

         free speech and reporters trying to cast light onto the wrong-doings of specific people. Something like this
         cannot be allowed in the context of "is it right to censor news?" and public disclosure is necessary.

            People's livelihood depends on this fragile construct of technological marvel, we cannot hand it over to

                                                 the grasp of figures capable of holding us down.

         The abundance of information within the platform is now critical to the daily lives of millions of people.

         Sensitive information such as passwords and locations of people are regularly shared on the web. These

         easily  accessible  yet  susceptible  data  shouldn't  be  collected  by  major  corporations  for  them  to  sell  to

         advertising companies. Private materials must remain concealed.

         What we have opened is Pandora's box. We cannot go back to how things were. Whatever happens now

         will lead to better opportunities for education or a declining range of rights. It'll be in our hands how the
         spread of information will reach those barred from the internet.

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