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                                            AS AT 31ST      MARCH 2019

         14.3  Details of members holding Equity Shares more than 5%                                  ( `  in lakhs)
                      Name of  Shareholder                    As at 31st March,201 9       As at  31st  March,20 18
                                                             No.of Shares     % of      No.of Shares     % of
                                                                 held        Holding         held       Holding
         Hemant Kumar Ruia                                   2,19,98,930     39.98%       2,19,98,930   39.98%
         Multiwyn Investments & Holdings Pvt.Ltd.            1,20,64,770     21.93%       1,20,64,770   21.93%
         India Carbon Limited                                 69,90,000      12.70%       69,90,000     12.70%
         Chefair Investment Pvt.Ltd.                          50,80,000      9.23%        50,80,000      9.23%

        14.4  Aggregate number of shares allotted as fully paid up by way of bonus shares
             (during 5 years immediately preceding 31 March 2019) :
         Particulars                                      2018-19   2017-18   2016-2017   2015-2016 2014-2015

         Equity shares allotted as fully paid up bonus
         shares by capitalization of capital redemption reserve  -     -          -       2,75,10,000

        15   Other Equity
        Particulars                                                                 As at 31st        As at 1st3
                                                                                   March, 201 9     March, 201 8
        a. Capital Reserve
           Opening Balance                                                              0.05             0.05
           Closing Balance                                                              0.05             0.05

        b. Debenture Redemption Reserve
           Opening Balance                                                           100.20             66.80
           Add :Transfer from Statement of Profit & Loss                              33.40             33.40
           Closing Balance                                                           133.60           100.20
        d. Retained Earnings
           Opening balance                                                         6,125.55          4,796.34
           Add:Profit for the year                                                 1,727.99          1,548.13
           Excess Provision of Income Tax for earlier years                                -            13.40
           Less : Appropriations
           Transfer to Debenture Redemption Reserve                                   33.40             33.40
           Short Provision of Income Tax for earlier years                            14.40              0.86
           Dividend                                                                  165.06            165.06
           Divdend Distribution Tax                                                   34.60             33.00
           Closing Balance                                                         7,606.08         6,125.55
        f. Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)
           Opening balance                                                           (22.04)            (1.42)
           Add:Movement in OCI (Net) during the year                                 (13.71)           (20.62)
                                                                                     (35.75)          (22.04)
           Total                                                                   7,703.97         6,203.75

                                                                                      NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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