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ANNUAL REPORT 2018 - 2019
                                  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3           1ST MARCH 201       9

        24 Revenue from Operations
        Particulars                                                                 For the year    For the year
                                                                                     ended 31st      ended 31st
                                                                                    March,201  9    March,2018
        Sale of Products Gross                                                        45,054.58        33,096.83
        Sale of Services                                                                 106.92           108.03
        Export Incentives                                                                344.79           224.52

        Total                                                                         45,506.29       33,429.38

        25 Other Income
        Interest Income                                                                  328.85           488.77
        Profit on Sale of Investment                                                           -            0.31
        Cylinder Rent Received                                                              9.60            9.60
        Sundry Balances written back                                                        1.02               -
        Other non-operating income                                                          2.98            2.58

        Total                                                                             342.45          501.26

        26 Cost of Materials Consumed
        Opening Stock                                                                   3,800.90        1,944.71
        + Purchase                                                                    31,489.52        23,666.95
        - Closing Stock                                                               (3,491.26)       (3,800.90)

        Consumption of Raw Materials including repacked                                31,799.16       21,810.76

        Packing Material                                                                  912.31          591.11

        Total                                                                          32,711.47       22,401.87
        Purchases of Stock-in-Trade                                                       134.63          146.05

        27 Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods & Stock-in-Process and Stock-in-Trade
        Opening Stock :
        Finished Goods                                                                  1,211.82        1,273.95
        Stock-in-Process                                                                  514.30          361.67
        Traded Goods                                                                       51.85           78.88
        Total                                                                           1,777.97        1,714.49

        Closing Stock
        Finished Goods                                                                    756.18        1,211.82
        Stock- in-Process                                                               1,127.92          514.30
        Traded Goods                                                                       57.84           51.85

        Total                                                                           1,941.94        1,777.97
        Add / (Less):- Variation in excise duty on Opening and Closing
        Stock of Finished Goods                                                                 -        (143.03)
        Total                                                                           (163.97)        (206.51)

                                                                                      NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130