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                                  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3           1ST MARCH 201       9

        28 Employee Benefits  Expenses                                                                ( ` in lakhs )
        Particulars                                                                 For the year    For the year
                                                                                     ended 31st      ended 31st
                                                                                    March,201  9    March,2018
        Salaries,Wages,Bonus,Benefits & Amenities                                       1,034.23        1,032.04
        Contributions to Provident Fund and Other Funds                                    61.69           55.63
        Employee Welfare Expenses                                                          87.31           99.10
        Sub -Total                                                                      1,183.23       1,186.77
        Remeasurement of post employment benefit obligations through Other
        Comprehensive Income (OCI)                                                         13.71           20.62
        Total                                                                           1,196.94       1,207.39

        29  Finance Costs
        On Working Capital (Net) *                                                       390.16           372.98
        On Term Loan                                                                        5.00            4.23
        On Others                                                                          12.70            5.54
        On Debentures                                                                    174.25           174.17
        Discounting & Financial Charges                                                  217.38           160.97
        Total                                                                            799.49          717.89

         * 29.1 Borrowing cost amounting to 73.85 lakhs (P Y :`  `  76.97 lakhs) have
        been capitalised towards purchase of under construction residential flat.

        30  Other Expenses
        A Other Manufacturing Expenses
        Power and fuel                                                                  2,487.11        1,699.43
        Research & Development Expenses                                                   101.03           98.00
        Laboratory Expenses                                                                49.47           58.58
        Repairs to Machinery                                                              314.26          298.03
        Repairs to Buildings                                                               54.55           48.43
        Total   (A)                                                                     3,006.42        2,202.47
        B Administrative,Selling & Other Expenses
        Rent                                                                               72.57           70.95
        Rates and Taxes                                                                    22.79           46.69
        Repairs & Maintenance Others                                                       30.93           33.83
        Insurance                                                                          84.24           75.44
        Conveyance & Vehicle Expenses                                                      80.76           71.26
        Commission on Sales                                                             1,788.50        2,213.30
        Freight Outward                                                                 2,089.75          730.84
        Auditors' Remuneration
        Audit fees                                                                          2.35            2.00
        Tax Audit Fees                                                                      0.50            0.50
        Certification work                                                                  0.62            2.12
                                                                                            3.47            4.62
        Director's sitting Fees                                                             2.90            3.05
        CSR Expenses                                                                       40.00           32.11
        Miscellaneous Expenses                                                          1,029.73          784.08
        Total  (B)                                                                      5,245.64        4,066.17
        Total    (A+B)                                                                  8,252.06        6,268.64

                                                                                      NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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