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ANNUAL REPORT 2018 - 2019
                                  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3           1ST MARCH 201       9

        The efinebenefitplansexposetotheCompd  any toanumberofactuarialrisk
         a) InvestmentRisk:  Thepresentvalueofthedefinedbenefitplanliabilityiscalculatedusingadiscountratedetermined
             by reference to government/high quality bond yields;if the return on plan asset is below this rate,it will create a plan
         b) Interest Risk :  A decrease in the bond interest rate will increase the plan liability;however,this will be partially offset
         c) Salary Risk :  The present value of the defined benefit plan liability is calculated by reference to the future salaries of
         d) Longevity Risk :  The present value of the defined benefit plan liability is calculated by reference to the best estimate
             of the mortality of plan participants both during and after their employment.An increase in the life expectancy of the
            Significant Actuarial Assumptions for the determination of the defined benefit obligation are discount rate,expected
             salary increase and employee turnover.The sensitivity analysis below, have been determined based on reasonable
             possible changes of the assumptions occurring at end of the reporting period ,while holding all other assumptions
                                                                                                     ( `  in lakhs)
          Description                                                              As at 31st         As at 31st
                                                                                 March,201 9        March,201 8
          Projected Benefit Obligation on Current Assumptions                         210.48             193.44
          Delta Effect of +1% Change in Rate of Discounting                             -8.19              -7.72
          Delta Effect of -1% Change in Rate of Discounting                             9.13                8.58
          Delta Effect of +1% Change in Rate of Salary Increase                         9.57                9.00
          Delta Effect of -1% Change in Rate of Salary Increase                         -8.71              -8.21
          Delta Effect of +1% Change in Rate of Employee Turnover                       3.78                3.49
          Delta Effect of -1% Change in Rate of Employee Turnover                       -4.16              -3.83

        38 The NCLT Guwahati Bench vide its Order dated March 22, 2017 has sanctioned the Scheme of Amalgamation
             of APL Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. wholly owned Subsidiary of the Company with the Appointed

        39   Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) Activities
            Particulars                                              For the year ended     For the year ended
                                                                      31st March,2019        31st March,2018
                                                                         ( `  in lakhs)         ( `  in lakhs)
        The details of CSR expenditure are mentioned as under
        a) Gross Amount required to be spent by the Company
           during the year                                                      39.93                   32.04
        b) Amount Spent during the year on  :-
           i)    Construction / Acquisition of any assets                            -                  3 211.
           ii)   On purpose other than ( i) above                               40.00
        c) Amount Payable as at Year End                                             -                      -

        40 The Company's main business is Chemical manufacturing falls within a single business segment and therefore,

                                                                                      NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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