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P. 133

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 - 2019
                                  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3           1ST MARCH 201       9

        imports of raw material and property,plant and equipment.As at 31st March,2019,the net unhedged exposure to the
        Company on holding assets (trade receivables and capital advances) and liabilities (trade payables and capital
        creditors)otherthanintheirfunctionalcurrency isasunder.

        The Company is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from US Dollar,AED and EUR.          ( `  in lakhs)
                     Particulars                       Foreign        As at 31st March,201 9  As at  31st  March,201 8
                                                      Currency Amount in Indian rupee Amount in Indian rupee
                                                                  Foreign    equivalent   Foreign     equivalent
                                                                 Currency                 Currency
         Assets :

            Trade Receivables Export                    USD        47.62      3,293.74      16.76      1,090.22
                                                         EUR         1.13        87.77       0.98        79.36
            Advance to Import Creditors                 USD                                  0.00         0.23
                                                         EUR                                 0.01         0.54
            Bank Balance                                USD        13.69        946.93       2.03       131.82
                                                         EUR         0.01         0.66       0.01         0.68
            Total                                                             4,329.10                1,302.84

         Liabilities :
          Import Trade Payable                          USD        34.31      2,373.49      26.00      1,691.35
                                                         AED       27.84        522.07      29.48       522.74
                                                                                             7.40       596.46
         Advances from Export Debtors                   USD             -             -      1.76       114.48
                                                         EUR            -             -      2.97       239.51

            Total                                                             2,895.56                3,164.54

        Sensitivity analysis of 1% change in exchange rate at the end of reporting period net unhedged exposure
             Description                                                           As at 31st        As at 31st
                                                                                March, 201 9       March, 201 8
          1% Depreciation in INR
          Impact on P&L  (Pro t increased / (decreased) by)                           (14.34)             18.62
          1% Appreciation in INR
          Impact on P&L  (Pro t increased / (decreased) by)                            14.34             (18.62)

                                                                                      NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138