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                                  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3           1ST MARCH 201       9

        37   Disclosure as required by Indian Accounting Standard 19“Employee Benefits”: -
            In respect of Gratuity,defined benefit Plan (based on Actuarial Valuation)               ( `  in lakhs)
                              Description                                      As at 31st        As at 31st
                                                                              March 2019        March 2018
        A. Expense recognised in the statement of Profit and Loss
           In Income Statement
           - Current Service Cost                                                  10.03             27.05
           - Interest Cost                                                         15.05             12.53
           - Expected return on plan assets                                       (15.05)           (12.53)
        Net Cost                                                                   10.03             27.05
        In Other Comprehensive Income
           - Actuarial (Gain) / Loss                                               16.43             18.21
           - Return On Plan Assets                                                 (2.72)             2.41
        Net (Income)/ Expense For the period Recognised in OCI                     13.71             20.62
        B. Actual return on plan assets
           - Expected return of plan assets                                       (15.05)           (12.53)
           - Actuarial (gain) / loss on plan assets                                 2.72             (2.41)
           - Actual return of plan assets                                         (12.33)           (14.94)
        C. Net Asset / (Liability) recognised in the Balance Sheet
           - Present value of the defined benefit obligations at the end of the period  62.64        45.60
           - Fair value of plan assets at the end of the period                   (24.86)            11.93
           - Funded status (surplus / (deficit))                                  (87.50)           (33.67)
           - Net Asset / (Liability) recognised in the Balance Sheet              (87.50)           (33.67)
        D. Change in Present value of Obligation during the year
           - Present value of obligation at the beginning of the year              45.60             21.76
           - Current Service Cost                                                  10.03              8.23
           - Past Service Cost                                                         -             18.81
           -  Interest Cost                                                        15.05             12.53
           -  Benefits paid                                                        24.46             33.95
           - actuarial (gain) / loss on obligation                                (16.43)           (18.21)
           - Present value of obligation at the end of the year                    62.64             45.60
        E. Change in Assets during the year
           - Fair value of plan assets as at beginning of the year                 11.93             60.83
           - Expected return on plan assets                                       (15.05)           (12.53)
           - Contributions made                                                        -                 -
           - Benefits paid                                                         24.46             33.95
           - actuarial (gains) / loss on plan assets                               (2.72)             2.41
           - Fair value of plan assets at the end of the year                     (24.86)            11.93
        F. Major categories of plan assets as a percentage of total plan
           - Mutual Fund                                                            90%               90%
           - Goverrnment Bonds                                                      10%               10%
        G. Actuarial Assumptions
           - Discount rate                                                        7.77%              7.78%
           - Expected rate of return on assets                                    7.77%             7.78%
           - Mortality Rate
                                                                                  Indian            Indian
                                                                            Assured Lives     Assured Lives
                                                                               (2006-08)          (2006-08)
                                                                                Ultimate          Ultimate
           - Future salary increases consider inflation,seniority,                   2%                2%
            promotion and other relevant factors
                                                                                      NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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