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                                 NOTES FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED
        31   Contingent Liabilities not provided for in respect of :                                  ( `  in lakhs)
        Particulars                                                                   As at 31st      As at 1st3
                                                                                    March, 201 9    March, 201 8
         ) i  Claims against the Company/disputed liabilities not acknowledged
            as debt.                                                                      5.14              5.14
         ii) As per Sales Tax Authorities                                                39.63                 -
         iii) Show cause notice / demands of Excise Authorities in respect of Excise Duty
            & Service Tax not acknowledged by the Company and are contested / appealed /  419.50         419.50
         iv) Guarantees Issued by Banks                                                 605.05           865.10
         v) Letter of Credit Unexpired                                                1,312.31           252.55

        32   Capital Commitments :
             The estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital
             account (Net of Advances) and not provided for                              737.15            22.35

        33   Research & Development Expenses  :
             Particulars                                                            201 8 - 201 9   201 7 - 201 8
         a) The following are included under Research & Development Expenses
         in the Statement of Profit and Loss  :
         i)  Salaries,Wages and Bonus                                                   81.98           81.04
         ii) Contribution to Provident and other funds                                   5.29            5.32
         iii) Staff and Workmen Welfare Expenses                                         3.46            1.77
         iv) Legal and Professional Fees                                                 6.96            8.23
         b) Aggregate Expenses :
         Aggregate  amount incurred on specific expenses :
         i)  Salaries,Wages and Bonus                                                1,116.21        1,113.08
         ii) Contribution to Provident and other funds                                  66.98           60.95
         iii) Staff and Workmen Welfare Expenses                                        90.77          100.87
         iv) Legal and Professional Fees                                               121.43          130.91

         34 Leases
         a) The Company has taken ceratin equipments and office premises under opearting lease or on rental basis.This
             contract is not non-cancellable and a period ranging between 11 months and above and are renewable at the
             mutual consent on mutually agreeable terms.The rent/lease charges paid in accordance with this agreement is
         b) The Company has given its equipments and office premises under opearting lease or on leave and licence basis.
             These agreements are generally not non-cancellable and for a period ranging between 11 months and above
             and are renewable at mutual consent on mutually agreeable terms.The company has taken refundable interest
             free security deposits in accordance with the agreed terms. The rent received in accordance with these
             agreementsiscredited tothestatementofprofitandlossfortheyear.

                                                                        CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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