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                               NOTES FORMING PART OF CONSOLIDATED

                          FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 31ST MARCH 201                           9
        19   Borrowings-Current                                                                        ( `  in lakhs)
        Particulars                                                                     As at 31st    As at 1st3
                                                                                     March,201  9   March, 201 8
        Secured -At Amortised Cost
         Working Capital Facilities From Banks :
        a)   State Bank of India :                                                       3340.97         2920.40
        b)   Syndicate Bank :                                                              259.34              -
        c)   HDFC Bank :                                                                   732.10              -
        Working Capital Loans, granted under Consortium Lending Arrangement,
        are Secured by a First pari passu charge on all the Current Assets of the
        Company namely Stocks of Raw Materials, Packing Material, Stocks in
        Process, Semi-Finished and Finished Goods, Stores and Spares, not relating
        book debts and other movables,present and future.First pari passu charge
        by way of mortgage of Leasehold Land and building and other fixed assets
        of the Company,situated at Plot No.D-21 and D-21A at MIDC,Turbhe and
        Factory Land and building and other fixed assets of the Company,situated
        at Vadval, District Raigad as continuing /collateral security and is also
        personallyguaranteed byManagingDirectoroftheCompany.
        From Others                                                                             -         176.21
        Total                                                                            4,332.41      3,096.61

        20 Trade Payables
        Particulars                                                                     As at 31st    As at 1st3
                                                                                     March,201  9   March, 201 8
        Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises *                                               270.30              -
        Others                                                                           6,969.45       5,470.85
        Total                                                                            7,239.75      5,470.85

        20.1 Disclosure in accordance with section 22 of the Micro,Small and Medium
            Enterprises Development Act,2006.
                                       Particulars                                      As at 31st    As at 31st
                                                                                      March,201 9   March,2018
        Principal amount due to suppliers registered under the MSMED Act and
        remaining unpaid as at year end                                                     270.3              -

        Interest due to suppliers registered under the MSMED Act and remaining unpaid
        as at year end                                                                       0.15              -

        Principal amounts paid to suppliers registered under the MSMED Act,beyond the
        appointed day during the year                                                            -             -
        Interest paid, other than under Section 16 of MSMED Act,to suppliers registered
        under the MSMED Act,beyond the appointed day during the year                             -             -
        Interest paid, under Section 16 of MSMED Act,to suppliers registered under
        the MSMED Act,beyond the appointed day during the year                                   -             -
        Interest due and payable towards suppliers registered under MSMED Act,for
        payments already made                                                                    -
        Further interest remaining due and payable  for earlier years                            -             -

                                                                        CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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