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ANNUAL REPORT 2018 - 2019
                               NOTES FORMING PART OF CONSOLIDATED
                          FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 31ST MARCH 201                           9
        8  Trade Receivables                                                                          ( ` in lakhs )
         Particulars                                                                    As at 31st     As at 31st
                                                                                      March,201 9   March,2018
         Current - Unsecured
         Considered Good                                                                 7,669.31       4,399.60
         Considered Doubtful                                                                 1.61           1.61
                                                                                         7,670.92       4,401.21
         Less:  Provision for bad and doubtful debts                                         1.61           1.61
         Total                                                                           7,669.31       4,399.60

        9  Cash and Cash Equivalents
         Particulars                                                                                                                          As at 31st March,2019  As at 31st March, 2018

         Cash and Cash Equivalents
         (i)  Balances with Banks
           In Current Accounts                                         1,002.61                 469.39
         ii)   Cheques on hand                                            35.02                  12.15
         iii)  Cash on hand                                                3.34  1,040.97         2.38    483.92
         Total                                                                   1,040.97                483.92

        10  Other Balances with Bank
         Particulars                                                                                                                          As at 31st March,2019  As at 31st March, 2018

         (i) Earmarked Balances with Banks
         a)   Balance in Unclaimed Dividend Accounts                      13.94                  11.96
         b)   Fixed Deposits with banks (to the extent held as margin money
           for Letters of Credits,Guarantees and other commitments)      281.18    295.12       239.80    251.76

         Total                                                                     295.12                251.76

        11 Current Loans
         Particulars                                                                     As at 31st    As at 31st
                                                                                       March,201 9   March,2018
         Unsecured and Considered Good
         Deposits                                                                           26.18           7.82
         Total                                                                              26.18           7.82

        12 Other Financial Assets
         Particulars                                                                     As at 31st    As at 31st
                                                                                       March,201 9   March,2018
         Unsecured and Considered Good
         Interest receivable on Fixed Deposits                                              22.96          42.29
         Interest receivable from Subsidiary                                               240.43              -
         Claims and other Receivables                                                         1.31         19.28
         Total                                                                             264.70          61.57

        1 Other3  Current  Assets
         Particulars                                                                     As at 31st    As at 31st
                                                                                       March,201 9   March,2018
         Export Incentive Receivables                                                      266.88         153.61
         Balances with Customs,Excise & GST Authorities                                   1469.31         989.29
         VAT Refund Receivables                                                            210.88         468.75
         Prepaid Expenses                                                                  106.61         109.22
         Others                                                                            368.58          82.62
         Total                                                                            2,422.26      1,803.49

                                                                        CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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