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ANNUAL REPORT 2018 - 2019
                               NOTES FORMING PART OF CONSOLIDATED
                          FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 31ST MARCH 201                           9

        14.4  Aggregate number of shares allotted as fully paid up by way of bonus shares
             (during 5 years immediately preceding 31 March 2019) :
         Particulars                                         2018-19 2017-18 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015

         Equity shares allotted as fully paid up bonus
         shares by capitalization of capital redemption reserve  -        -         -      2,75,10,000     -

        15   Other Equity                                                                              ( `  in lakhs)
         Particulars                                                                As at 31st       As at  31st
                                                                                   March, 201 9     March, 201 8
         a. Capital Reserve
         Opening Balance                                                              53.81             53.81
         Closing Balance                                                              53.81            53.81

         b. Debenture Redemption Reserve
         Opening Balance                                                             100.20             66.80
         Add :Transfer from Statement of Profit & Loss                                33.40             33.40
         Closing Balance                                                             133.60           100.20

         d. Retained Earnings
         Opening balance                                                           5,572.40          4,315.64
         Less :Loss  on Consolidation of WOS FZE Pre Allotment                        24.26
         Add:Profit for the year                                                   1,643.17          1,475.68
         Excess Provision of Income Tax for earlier years                                  -             13.4
         Less : Appropriations                                                             -
         Transfer to Debenture Redemption Reserve                                     33.40             33.40
         Short Provision of Income Tax for earlier years                              14.40              0.86
         Dividend                                                                    165.06            165.06
         Divdend Distribution Tax                                                     34.60             33.00
         Closing Balance                                                           6,943.85         5,572.40

         f.Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)
         Opening balance                                                             (22.04)            (1.42)
         Add:Movement in OCI (Net) during the year                                   (13.71)           (20.62)
         Closing Balance                                                             (35.75)          (22.04)

         g.Foreign Currency Translation Reserve
         Opening balance                                                                   -                -
         Add:Movement in OCI (Net) during the year                                    (1.12)                -
         Closing Balance                                                              (1.12)                -
         Total                                                                     7,094.39         5,704.37

                                                                        CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168