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                               NOTES FORMING PART OF CONSOLIDATED
                          FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 31ST MARCH 201                           9
        16   Non Current Borrowings                                                                   ( `  in lakhs)
          Particulars                                                              As at 31st       As at 31st
                                                                                 March, 201 9      March, 201 8
         Secured -At amortised cost
           (i) Debentures :
              Redeemable Non Convertible *                                         1,327.88          1,327.88
           (ii) Term loans :
              From a bank                                                            703.51                 -
           (iii) Vehicle Loans :
              From Banks & Other Financial Institutions                               51.89             32.17
         From other Body Corporates                                                1,150.75            948.00
         Total                                                                     3,234.03         2,308.05
         (i) 133513%NonConvertibleDebenturesof 1Laceachhavebeenissuedwhichareredeemableatparattheendof
            10yearsfromdateofallotment,viz24-03-2025for 740.00 lakhs & 31-03-2025 for`  `  595.00 lakhs. The company
            has anoptiontoredeemthesedebentureearlier;however,noredemtionwilltakeplacebeforetheendof1styear.
         (ii) The above debentures holders shall get pari passu charge on assets allocated at Land & Building of the company
        16.1   Repayment & other terms of the Borrowings as  at 31st March,2019 are as follows :
                                                                             Repayment terms as at 31st March,2019
         Nature of Security                                Rate of Interest  Total  Within 1 Year   Above 1 Year
         Secured Loans :
         Term Loan from Bank
         Secured by First Charge on specific assets created      10.75%     979.51       276.00          703.51
         out of this loan and first pari passu charge on entire
         fixed assets (land,building,plant & machinery)
         present and future excluding specific assets
         created out of this loan and  is  also personally
         guaranteed  by Managing Director of the Company.
         Sanctioned Term Loan of Rs.1400 Lakhs,repayable in
         18 quarterly installments starting from June 2019 and
         last installment due in September 2023.
         Vehicle Loans
         Secured against hypothecation of Vehicles purchased.  10% to 12%    81.43        29.54           51.89
         Total                                                            1,060.94       305.54          755.40
         Unsecured Loans:
         From Others & Bodies Corporates                            15%   1,150.75            -        1,150.75
         Total                                                            1,150.75            -        1,150.75
        16.2  Repayment & other terms of the Borrowings as at 31st March,201 are as follows :8
                                                                          Repayment terms as at 31st March,2018
         Nature of Security                               Rate of Interest  Total    Within 1 Year  Above 1 Year
         Vehicle Loans
         Secured against hypothecation of Vehicles purchased.  10% to 12%   53.63         21.46           32.17
         Total                                                              53.63         21.46           32.17

         Unsecured Loans:
         From Other Bodies Corporate                               15%     948.00             -          948.00

         Total                                                             948.00             -          948.00

                                                                        CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169