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ANNUAL REPORT 2018 - 2019
                               NOTES FORMING PART OF CONSOLIDATED
                          FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 31ST MARCH 201                           9

                          in lakhs  As at 31st  March,  7  201  14.38  121.83  635.26  166.68  2,442.81  12.75  16.98  196.06  3,606.75  9.21  9.21  3,615.96  112.58  112.58  891.62  891.62
                              Net Carrying Value  As at 31st  March,  8  201  14.38  119.18  616.98  161.40  2,823.20  11.70  27.32  213.45  3,987.61  7.08  7.08  3,994.69  89.23  89.23  1,060.12  1,060.12

                                 As at 31st  March,  8  201  -  5.30  44.90  20.50  314.49  3.26  13.68  70.63  472.76  4.20  4.20  476.96  -

                         on 31st March,2018  Depreciation / Amortisation  Deduction Depreciation  on charge for  Disposals the Period  -  -  -  2.65  -  18.28  -  11.38  0.52  171.66  -  1.78  -  6.45  7.83  40.67  8.35  252.87  -  2.13  -  2.13  8.35  255.00  -  -

                         as      As at 31st  March,  7  201  -  2.65  26.62  9.12  143.35  1.48  7.23  37.79  228.24  2.07  2.07  230.31  -
                         and Capital Work in Progress  Carrying Block  As at 31st Deduction  on  March,  Disposals  8  201  14.38  -  124.48  -  661.88  -  181.90  -  3,137.69  4.02  14.96  -  41.00  -  284.08  17.56  4,460.37  21.58  11.28  -  11.28  -  4,471.65  21.58  -  - Leasehold land is for the period of 95 years commencing from 1st August ,1968 and renewable for a further period of 95 years at the option of the Company.

                              Gross  Additions  -  -  -  6.10  555.55  0.73  16.79  67.79  646.96  -  -  646.96  -
                         Property,Plant & Equipment,Intangible Assets

                                 As at 1st  April,  7  201  14.38  124.48  661.88  175.80  2,586.16  14.23  24.21  233.85  3,834.99  11.28  11.28  3,846.27  -

                                          Property,Plant & Equipment  Leasehold Land (Refer Note 3.1 below)  Research & Development  Plant & Equipment under Installation  Intangible Assets under development

                                  Particulars  Freehold Land  Plant & Equipments  Furniture & Fixturres  Office Equipment  Intangible Assets  Capital Work In Progress  Software under development

                         3.               a       Buildings  Others  Vehicles  Total (a)  b  Software  Total (b)  Total (a+b)  c  Total  d  Total  3.1

                                                                        CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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