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                               NOTES FORMING PART OF CONSOLIDATED

                          FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 31ST MARCH 201                           9
         14  Equity Share Capital                                                                    ( `  in lakhs)
          Particulars                                                 As at 31st March, 2019  As at 1st March, 2013  8
                                                                       Number      Amount     Number    Amount
         Equity Shares of    2 each                                  6,75,00,000   1,350.00  6,75,00,000  1,350.00

         Total Equity Shares                                         6,75,00,000   1,350.00 6,75,00,000 1,350.00

         Preference Shares of    100 each                               2,51,000    251.00     2,51,000   251.0 0

         Total Preference  Shares                                       2,51,000    251.00     2,51,000   251.00
         Total Autorised share Capital                               6,77,51,000   1,601.00 6,77,51,000 1,601.00

         Issued,Subscribed & Paid up
         Equity Shares of    2 each fully paid up                    5,50,20,000   1,100.40  5,50,20,000  1,100.40

         Total                                                       5,50,20,000   1,100.40 5,50,20,000 1,100.40

        The Authorized Share Capital of the Company stands increased after adding the Authorized Share Capital of APL
        pursuant to the Order of Amalgamation dated 22nd March 2017 passed by the Hon.National Company LawTribunal,

        14.1 Right,PreferenceandRestrictionsattachedtoEquityShares

        The Company has only one class of equity shares having par value of 2 per share.Each Shareholder is entitled to one
        vote per share.In the event of liquidation of the Company the holder of equity shares will be entitled to receive any of
        the remaining assets of the Company after distribution of all preferential payments. However, no such preferential
        The dividendproposedby theBoardofDirectorsissubjecttotheapprovaloftheshareholdersintheensuringAnnual
        General Meeting,except in case of interim dividend.The Board of Directors at their Meeting held on May 27,2019 has
        recommendedafinalDividendof15%(30paisepershareofFaceValue 2/-each)fortheyearendedMarch31,2019.`

        14.2   Reconciliation of numbers of Equity Shares
         Particulars                                                                                                     As at 31st March,2019  As at 1st3  March ,2018
                                                                 Number      Amount        Number      Amount
         Shares outstanding at the beginning of the year     5,50,20,000     1,100.40    5,50,20,000    1,100.40
         Issued during the year                                         -           -             -            -
         Shares outstanding at the end of the year           5,50,20,000     1,100.40   5,50,20,000    1,100.40

        14.3  Details of members holding Equity Shares more than 5%
                      Name of  Shareholder                   As at 31st March,201 9       As at 31st March,20 18
                                                            No.of Shares      % of      No.of Shares     % of
                                                                held        Holding         held       Holding

         Hemant Kumar Ruia                                   2,19,98,930    39.98%       2,19,98,930    39.98%
         Multiwyn Investments & Holdings Pvt.Ltd.            1,20,64,770    21.93%       1,20,64,770    21.93%
         India Carbon Limited                                 69,90,000     12.70%        69,90,000     12.70%
         Chefair Investment Pvt.Ltd.                          50,80,000      9.23%        50,80,000     9.23%

                                                                        CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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