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                               NOTES FORMING PART OF CONSOLIDATED
                          FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 31ST MARCH 201                           9
        4   Non Current Investments                                                                  ( ` in lakhs )
                                                                            Face       Extent
                                                                           Value         of
          Sr.  Name of the Body Corporate                                   (fully     Holding
          No.                                              No.of Shares     paid         (%)          Amount
                                                          March,  March,           March,  March, March, March,
                                                          2019    2018              2019    2018   2019    2018
          (1)                    (2)                        (3)     (4)      (5)      (6)     (7)            (8)
              Investments measured at Fair Value
          (a) Through amortized cost
              Other Investment
              Government Securities (NSC)                                                           0.02   0.02
                                Total                                                  -       -    0.02   0.02
              Aggregate amount of unquoted investments                                              0.02   0.02

        5 Non Current   Loans
         Particulars                                                                 As at 31st        As at 31st
                                                                                   March,20 19       March,201 8
         Unsecured,Considered Good :
         a) Security Deposits                                                            59.97             51.85
         Total                                                                           59.97             51.85

        6   Other Non-Current Assets
        Particulars                                                                  As at 31st        As at 31st
                                                                                   March,201 9       March,2018
        Unsecured,considered good :
        a) Capital Advances (Include borrowing cost Rs.73.85 lakhs)( P Y:Rs.76.97 lakhs)  1,091.49         974.29
        b) Prepaid Expenses                                                              17.84              12.12
        Total                                                                          1,109.33           986.41

        7 Inventories : (Valued & Certified by the Management)
          Particulars                                                                                                                          As at 31st March,2019  As at 31st March, 2018
         a. Raw Materials                                            1,021.33                  701.06
            Goods-in-transit                                          756.74                   714.16
                                                                                1,778.07                 1,415.22

         b. Materials  for Repacking                                  664.57                   689.92
            Goods-in-transit                                         1,048.62                1,695.76
                                                                                1,713.19                 2,385.68
         c. Work-in-progress                                         1,127.92                  514.30
                                                                                1,127.92                  514.30
         d. Finished goods - for Trade                                  57.84                   51.85
                                                                                   57.84                   51.85
         e. Finished goods                                            756.18                 1,211.82
                                                                                  756.18                 1,211.82
         f. Stores and spares,Packing Material and Fuel               234.08                   250.74
                                                                                  234.08                  250.74
         Total                                                                  5,667.28                5,829.61

                                                                        CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165