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ANNUAL REPORT 2018 - 2019
                               NOTES FORMING PART OF CONSOLIDATED
                          FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 31ST MARCH 201                           9

        17   Non current Provisions                                                                    ( `  in lakhs)
         Particulars                                                                  As at 31st      As at 31st
                                                                                    March, 201 9     March, 201 8
         Leave Encashment (Non Funded)                                                    41.46           37.23

         Total                                                                            41.46           37.23

        18 Income Tax
        A) Income Tax Expenses
        A reconciliation of the income tax provision to the amount computed by applying the statutory income tax
        rate to the income before income taxes is as below:
         Particulars                                                                  As at 31st      As at 31st
                                                                                   March,201  9     March,201 8
         Profit/(loss)before tax                                                       2,578.18         2,297.88
         Indian statutory income tax rate                                               34.94%           34.61%
         Expected income tax expense                                                    900.81           795.30
         Income exempt from tax/Items not deductible                                      52.22           47.03
         Additional tax benefit for research and development expenditures               (18.02)          (20.13)

         Tax expense as reported                                                        935.01           822.20

        B)   Deferred Tax Assets / Liabilities (net)
         Particulars                                                                  As at 31st      As at  31st
                                                                                    March,201 9     March,201  8
         Deferred Tax Liabilities :                                                      721.39           655.45
         Deferred Tax Assets :                                                           (37.07)          (38.14)

         Total Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net)                                            684.32          617.31

        Movement in Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities as at March 31,201 is as below :9
         Particulars                                              Balance as at     Recognised/    Balance as at
                                                                  April 1,201 8       (reversed)      March 31,
                                                                                   statement of            201 9
                                                                                  profit and loss
         Deferred tax liabilities :
         Depr eciation                                                  653.41            66.18          719.59
         Other                                                            2.04            (0.24)            1.80
                                                                        655.45            65.94          721.39
         Deferred tax assets :
         Expenses allowed in the year of payment                         38.14            (1.07)          37.07
                                                                         38.14            (1.07)          37.07
         Net Deferred Tax Liabilities                                  617.31             67.01          684.32

                                                                        CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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