Page 178 - inside page.cdr
P. 178


                                 NOTES FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED

        The following tables presents the carrying value and Fair value measurement hierarchy
        of each category of financial assets and liabilities                                         ( `  in lakhs)
                        Particulars                                  31.03.2019               31.03.2018
                                                                Carrying     Level 1      Carrying     Level 1
                                                                 Amount                    Amount
         Financial Assets
         Financial assets measured at amortised cost
         Investments*                                                   -          -              -          -
         Financial assets measured at amortised cost
         Investments*                                                0.02          -           0.02          -
         Trade receivables                                       7669.31           -       4,399.60          -
         Cash and cash equivalents                               1040.97           -        483.92           -
         Bank balances other than cash and cash equivalents above  295.12          -        251.76           -
         Loans                                                     26.18           -           7.82          -
         Other financial assets                                   264.70           -         61.57           -
                                                                9,296.30           -      5,204.69           -
         Financial Liabilities
         Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost
         Borrowings                                              4332.41           -       3,096.61          -
         Trade payables                                          7239.75           -       5,470.85          -
         Other financial liabilitie s                             714.32           -        145.14           -
                                                               12,286.48           -      8,712.60           -
        * Excludes financial assets measured at Cost
         The fair values of the financial assets and liabilities are defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or
         paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.Methods
         Financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value as at Balance Sheet date :
         The fair value of investment in quoted Equity Shares is measured at quoted price.
         The fair value of the remaining financial instruments is determined using discounted cash flow analysis.
        43 EventsAftertheReportingPeriod
             The Board of Directors have recommended dividend of `  0.30 per fully paid up equity share of `  2/- each,
             aggregating `  198.99 Lacs, including `  33.93 Lacs dividend distribution tax for the financial year 2018-19,
             subject toapprovalofshareholdersattheAnnualGeneralMeeting.

        44   Consolidated Segment wise Revenue,Results and Capital Employed under Regulation
             33 of Listing Regulations
                                                                                                     ( `  in lakhs)
                              Particulars                                         31.03.2019        31.03.2018
        1. Segment revenue
           a Chemicals                                                           45,506.29           33,429.38
           b Software                                                                     -                   -
        TOTAL                                                                    45,506.29           33,429.38
        Less:Inter Segment Revenue                                                        -                   -
        Net Income from Operation                                                45,506.29           33,429.38

                                                                        CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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