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            Statement containing Salient Features of Financial Statement of Subsidiaries/Associate Companies/ Joint Ventures
                        Pursuant to first proviso to sub-section (3) of section 129 of the Companies Act, 2013

         Part "A": Subsidiaries                                                                       ( in Lakhs)`
          SI. Particulars                                                                                                       Details
           1  S . No.i                                               1                           2
           2  Name of the subsidiary                       APL INFOTECH LIMITED     AMINES AND PLASTICIZERS FZE
           3  The date since when the subsidiary was acquired    16/05/2006                  17/01/2019

           4  Reporting period for the subsidiary concerned,  Same as Holding Company  Same as Holding Company
              if different from  the holding Company's reporting
           5  Reporting Currency and Exchange rate as on the
              last date of the relevant Financial Year in the case   NA                   AED 1 = INR 18.87
              of foreign subsidiaries
           6  Share Capital                                        117.15                      18.87
           7  Reserves & Surplus                                   (31.39)                     (27.68)
           8  Total Assets                                        1925.1 9                     30.18
           9  Total Liabilities                                   1839.4 3                     38.99
          10 Investments                                            NIL                         NIL

          11 Turnover                                               NIL                         NIL
          12 Pro t before Taxation                                  NIL                        (3.56 )
          13 Provision for Taxation                                 NIL                         NIL
          14 Pro t after Taxation                                   NIL
          15 Proposed Dividend                                      NIL                         NIL

          16 Extent of Shareholding (in percentage)                 51%                        100%

        Part "B ": Subsidiaries Associate Companies / Joint Ventures- Not Applicable/

        For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

        Hemant Kumar Ruia
        Chairman & Managing Director                                                            Yashvardhan Ruia
        Din No. 00029410                                                                         Executive Director
                                                                                                 Din No. 00364888

        Ajay Puranik                                                                              Pramod Sharma
        President Legal &  Company Secretary                                                  Chief Financial Officer

        Date:27th May,2019

                                                                        CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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