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ANNUAL REPORT 2018 - 2019
                                 NOTES FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED
                                                                                                    ( `  in lakhs)
                              Particulars                                         31.03.2019        31.03.2018
        2. Segment Results [Profit/(Loss) before Tax and Interest]
           a Chemicals                                                             3,378.38            3,015.77
           b Software                                                                     -                   -
        TOTAL                                                                      3,378.38           3,015.77
        Less:Interest Expense                                                        800.20             717.89
        Total Profit before Tax                                                    2,578.18           2,297.88
        3. Segment Capital Employed (Segment Assets - Segment Liabilities)
           a Chemicals                                                           15,528.53           12,055.91
           b Software                                                              1,589.95            1,387.20
        TOTAL                                                                    17,118.48           13,443.11

        45   Additional  Information,  as required under Schedule III to the Companies Act,2013,  of Enterprises consolidated
           Subsidiary / Associates / Joint ventures
                                                                                                     ( `  in lakhs)
                                           Net Assets,i.e.  Share in Profit   Share in other      Share in total
                                            total assets       or (loss)      comprehensive      comprehensive
                                              minus                              income             income
                                           total Liabilities
         Name of the Enterprise              As % of  `  Lakhs  As % of  ` Lakhs  As % of  ` Lakhs  As % of  `  Lakhs
                                         consolidated     consolidated       consolidated       consolidated
                                           net assets     Profit or Loss          other               total
                                                                           comprehensive      comprehensive
                                                                                 income             income
         Amines & Plasticizers Limited       107.44 8804.37   105.16 1727.99      92.45  (13.71)    105.28 1714.28
         APL Infotech Limited                  1.05  85.76        -    0.00          -    0.00           -    0.00
         Amines & Plasticizers FZE            (0.11)  (8.81)   (0.2 )2  (3.5 )6    7.55  (1.12)      (0.2 )9  (4.68)
         Total                              108.38 8881.32    104.95 1724.43    100.00  ( 14.83)    104.99 1709.60

         Inter Company Elimination &
         Consolidation Adjustments           (8.38) (686.53)  (4.95) (81.26 )        -    0.00       (4.99)  (81.26 )
         Consolidated                       100.00 8194.79    100.00 1643.17    100.00  (14.83)     100.00 1628.34

         Non Controlling Interest in                 42.02
         all Subsidiaries
        46 Figures of previous year have been regrouped/rearranged,wherever considered necessary to conform to the
            current year's presentation.

        In terms of our report of even date attached      For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
        For B D G & Associates                            Hemant Kumar Ruia                      Yashvardhan Ruia
        Chartered Accountants                             Chairman & Managing Director           Executive Director
        Firm Registration No.:119739W
                                                          Din No.00029410                        Din No.00364888
        Rameshkumar L.Sharma
        Partner                                           Ajay Puranik
        Membership No- 047896                             President Legal & Company Secretary

        Date : 27th May,2019                              Pramod Sharma
        Place : Mumbai                                    Chief Financial Officer
                                                                        CONSOLIDATED NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
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