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                                                                                                ANNEXURE 5

              Particulars pursuant to Section 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 and relevant Rules thereunder:-
          a   the ratio of the remuneration of each Director* to  Mr. Hemant Kumar Ruia  Chairman & Managing Director  - 20:1
              the median remuneration of the employees of the  Mr. Yashvardhan Ruia, Executive Director - 5:1
              company for the  nancial year;
          b   the percentage increase in remuneration of each                   CMD : NIL
              Director, Chief Executive Of cer, Company                          ED : NIL
              Secretary , Chief Financial Of cer or Manager, if                 C: 1 %S  0
              any, in the  nancial year;
                                                                                CFO : 10 %
          c   the percentage increase in the median
              remuneration of employees in the  nancial year;                     10%

          d   the number of permanent employees on the                            227
              rolls of company  ;
          e   average percentile increase already made in the  The Company's philosophy is based on principle of Pay for
              salaries of employees other than the managerial  Performance while maintaining internal equity and ext rnal parity.e
              personnel in the last  nancial year and its  Appointmnet of CMD / ED is for a period of 3 years and revision in the
              comparison with the percentile increase in the
                                                         remuneration is generally considered at the time of reappointmnet.
              managerial remuneration and justi cation thereof  On an average 10% increment was given to CS, CFO and all other
              and point out if there are any exceptional  members of the staff.
              circumstances for increase in the managerial
                                                         It is af rmed that the remuneration paid is as per the Remuneration
          f   af rmation that the remuneration is as per the
              remuneration policy of the company ;       Policy for Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other emoployees
                                                         adopted by the Company.

         * Only sitting fees is  paid to Non -Executive Directors as detailed in the Corporate Governance Report.

        Date: 13.08.2019                                                   F or and on behalf of the Board of Directors
        Place: Mumbai

                                                                                               Hemant Kumar Ruia
                                                                                     Chairman & Managing Director

                                                                                              BOARDS REPORT
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