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In accordance with the Company’s CSR policy and in compliance with the Companies (Corporate Social
environmentandsustainabilityinordertomaintainsocialandecologicalbalanceinthe ociety.TheCompanyhasS
thusthoughtofaversatile hemeinitsCorporateSocialResponsibilityactivities.Duringtheyearunderreview,thet
Company has provided financial support for promoting primary and secondary education and enabling higher
education and providing quality education to children from all sections of the Society. Also, contributed
generously towards providing pure drinking water to the people living in rural areas who faced severe draught
➣ TheEducationisoneoftheprimarynecessityofthechildrentoday.KeepingthisnoblecauseinmindtheCompany
has supported the initiative of promoting literacy by providing education to the needy and unprivileged sections
➣ Water is the most important substance on the earth to survive.There will be no life without water. VillageVashi is
located in a very remote area in the District Mangaon,Maharashtra which has a population of about 200 people.
The region had faced several droughts in the past and availability of clean drinking water is of paramount
importance since they have no means of storing and processing water.Cattle also suffer immensely due to lack of
water.Looking at the severe crunch of drinking water and to save human and cattle life,the Company decided to
take measures to dig Bore Well and to repair the existing Well for storage of water.The Company has contributed
towards this purpose by making water facilities available to the people living in this rural part of Maharashtra for
6. Incasethecompanyhasfailedtospendthetwopercentoftheaveragenetprofitofthelastthreefinancialyearsor
any part thereof, the company shall provide the reasons for not spending the amount in its Board report. –Not
7. We hereby confirm that the implementation and monitoring of CSR Policy, is in compliance with the CSR
Sd/- Sd/-
Pandurang Hari Vaidya Hemant Kumar Ruia
Chairman of the CSR Committee Chairman & Managing Director
Date: 13.08.2019
Place: Mumbai