Page 11 - Military Ministry of Cru_Our Connection 2021
P. 11

Faith That is Bulletproof

       “ Unless the LORD had helped me, I would soon have settled in the
        silence of  the grave. I cried out, ‘I am slipping!’ but Your unfailing
        love, O LORD, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, Your
        comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.”
                                  –  Psalm 94:17-19 (NLT)

         an you identify with the writer in the verse above, hanging
     Con as his fingers were losing their grip on hope? Sgt. Jeff
     Struecker called out in just that way in the Somalian battle of
                                       k Hawk
     1993 which was depicted in the movie, Black Hawk Down. As the
     fight intensified and his hope for survival faded, Sgt. Struecker
     cried out in desperation: “God, I need your help, I’m in over my
       He remembered that Jesus had prayed similar words at Geth-
     semane, “God, if there is any way possible, let this cup pass from
     me.” And he also remembered that Jesus added, “Not my will,
     but Yours be done.” Struecker knew that if he lived or died at
     that moment, he was safe in God’s hands.
       Sgt.  Struecker (now Chaplain  Struecker)  remembered  God’s
     promises from the Bible, God’s daily provision, God’s faithful
     power to save, God’s perspective on life and death, and God’s
     presence on the home front or battlefield.
       We can see  another similarity in  the psalmist’s words  and
     Struecker’s testimony—both used their experience to faithfully
     declare to others that God can be trusted, no matter what.

     Prayer: Lord, grant me peace in every situation knowing that my life is
     in Your hands.

     6          Call out to God, “I need Your help!”
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