Page 4 - Military Ministry of Cru_Our Connection 2021
P. 4

Making The Connection

      Whether you are facing deployment  or  returning home, our
      goal in producing this devotional booklet is to help you “stay
      connected.” During the long months and miles of geographic
      separation and during the sometimes challenging time of rein-
      tegration, a couple yearns to be “connected.” Staying connected
      is accomplished by being intentional about your desire to con-
      nect on three levels: with your mind, heart and spirit. How do
      you do this?

      The mind connection—Make sure you each share with the
      other what you are thinking. Go beyond the sharing of just
      information and make sure you each know how the other is
      doing. Whether you are across the world from each other—or
      across the room—be sure to talk or write as often as you can.
      Be tuned in to what the other is thinking by asking good ques-
      tions which demonstrate caring and interest.

      The heart connection—Make sure you and your spouse share
      your feelings. Listen to each other as you voice or write your
      hopes, dreams and fears. You will be surprised how well you
      can connect across the miles or when back together again if
      you each take the opportunity to encourage the other, praise
      the other, affirm the other, and tell the other how proud you are
      of the job they are doing. Deployment can be a time in which
      a couple will actually grow in their understanding of each other
      as they spend time writing letters, emails, or talking on a phone
      about how they feel. Continue this practice when together.
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