Page 27 - Have Faith
P. 27

Day 31                              I love You, Thank You & Sorry...

        Three Steps To Heaven...                            1 Corinthians 13:4-7
        No, I don't have the ultimate answer to eter-  haven't done anything wrong in that day.  By
        nity but I do have some red hot tips to living  doing this, they will be reassured that you are
        a happy life in your relationships and spiritu-  not taking them for granted and that you are
        ally too.  I first learned them on an Army Mar-  big enough to admit mistakes.  And finally,
        riage  course  at  Bagshot  House,  Bagshot  say thank you to them.  Again, even if you
        Park, Surrey.  To be honest, myself and my  feel they haven't done anything.  Just thank-
        future bride-to-be just went along for a skive  ing them for being them will make them feel
        and  a  laugh.    To  be  honest,  it  was.    We  that everything they do is worthwhile, they
        spoiled ourselves rotten in the beautiful sur-  will  feel  happy  in  the  knowledge  that  you
        roundings and grand stately home, now res-  recognise the things they do for you, they will
        idence to the Earl and Countess of Wessex.  also know that they make you happy too.  I
        However, there was one simple piece of ad-  don't know of any better advice for a good re-
        vice that has remained with me to this day, I  lationship.    But  there  is  one  relationship
        am very guilty of not following it but, still it is  where I do try to do this every day and that is
        worth its weight in gold if you can live by it.  with God.  I let him know his is loved by com-
        So here goes.  Every day, simply tell your  ing to him each day, even if only for a few
        partner these three things:  I love you, I am  minutes.  I ask for his forgiveness in all that
        sorry and finally, thank you.  Simple as that.  has offended him that day and finally I thank
        Some of you may do that already but if you  him for everything wonderful that surrounds
        don't, give it a try.  Telling your partner that  my life.  To be honest, that is all that prayer
        you love them will reassure them that you are  is.  If you can do this, then you can success-
        the first and last thought each day.  They will  fully pray and God will love you so much for
        feel wanted and appreciated, great start.  Tell  it.  As above, give it a try and see how good
        them  you  are  sorry  even  if  you  feel  you  it makes you feel.

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