Page 24 - Have Faith
P. 24

Day 27              Understand the messages you need to act on...

        Spam...                                                      Luke 1: 79

        The very thought of the word ‘spam’ leaves  us by.  I think what I’m trying to say here is
        me in giggles thinking back to the days of  that it is very easy to take in information that
        Monty Python and the singing Vikings.  Those  we want to take in regardless whether it is
        younger  readers  probably  think  I  have  a  truth or not.  This can lead us into very com-
        screw loose at this point but anyone around  promising positions.  It is true that within our
        in the 70’s will know what I’m talking about.  lives the truth can sometimes be uncomfort-
        One of the most famous comedy sketches  able but also necessary.  Imagine the final
        ever.  But Spam had a different meaning back  warnings turning up in your inbox from a com-
        then to what it does today.  We used to know  pany you owe money to, for whatever reason
        spam  as  a  kind  of  chopped  pork  type  of  you can’t afford to pay them at that time so
        canned meat that we used to grill on toast.  It  the quickest way to deal with it is to delete the
        was truly awful but we loved it.  In fact, it was  email or send it to the ‘spam’ folder so you
        a very common item in the household of the  don’t have to see it.  It sounds like a very irre-
        (forgive the expression) working class.  Ah,  sponsible thing to do but it happens all too
        those were the days.  These days Spam has  often.  For me, spiritually I have found myself
        a totally different meaning.  Unwanted mes-  ignoring the truth in the past, racking up debts
        sages in your email now own the word ‘spam’.  in my soul that were getting out of control.
        As a website manager and editor of a maga-  Thankfully, I have found a way to manage
        zine, spam is a daily sight for me.  Practically  those debts and clear my account but to do
        every time I open my inbox there is a com-  so meant I had to check all of my spiritual
        pany trying to find a way of separating me  emails and face the ones that meant uncom-
        from my money or some Prince in a far-off  fortable readings.  I still disregard the ones
        land wanting to deposit millions in to my bank  that aren’t important but I will read them all
        account just because he found my email on  first and make a better decision of those I
        line and thinks he can trust me.  Sound famil-  need to send to my ‘Spam’.   I suppose this
        iar?  Of course, we very quickly acclimatise  isn’t rocket science but one we are all find
        ourselves to all of this and delete it or send it  ourselves doing from time to time.  I have
        to our junk folder so we don’t have to deal  found that God’s inbox must be full of spiritual
        with it anymore.  But just recently I found my-  emails that I send him.  But I think I can put
        self in the position of the sender and not the  my hand on my heart and say that the ones
        receiver.  Of course, the information was not  that are important are always answered.  Of
        spam (to me) but I found that subscribers to  course, the stuff I ask for that I don’t really
        my  newsletters  had  me  marked  as  spam.  need or is not in my best interest will end up
        Quite upsetting really, all of this information  in his ‘Spam’ box.  He will do this because he
        and hard work was treated as rubbish and  loves  me  and  knows  what  is  best  for  me.
        discarded.  This has got me thinking.  How  That  eventually  teaches  me  to  only  send
        much important information do we discard as  emails  that  are  necessary  and  important.
        useless?  But I also thought how much use-  Maybe this is what I should be doing with my
        less information do we pick up on and waste  newsletters.  The word ‘Spam’ still brings a
        time with while the real important stuff passes  smile to my face though.

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