Page 21 - Have Faith
P. 21

Day 22 & 23                  Happy is the man who finds wisdom...

        Wisdom...                                             1 Corinthians 3:18
        Here's a fun question to begin this reflection.  more.  Looks can be deceiving so often.  Ok,
        Are Owls wise birds?  According to those that  so where does wisdom come from?  Wisdom,
        handle them, absolutely not.  Although they  for me, comes from experience and experi-
        are master hunters, their skill lies in their eyes  ence is something we rarely see until we know
        and optical senses.  And there lies the truth of  someone.  I suppose it all boils down to judge-
        it.  It's eyes are so big in their heads, it leaves  ment again really.  I think we all know the say-
        very little room for a brain.  This was some-  ing 'Never judge a book by its cover or you will
        thing that was made very obvious to me some  miss the wonderful story within.'  I think that is
        years ago at an Owl sanctuary in the New For-  true  in  life  too.    Get  to  know  somebody  or
        est.  They had a Mackinder's Eagle Owl in one  something before deciding how good or bad it
        of their keeps called 'Paxo'.  It was so named  is.  In the Bible, there is a great verse that
        because the owner said it was so utterly use-  speaks to me about wisdom.  It is from Colos-
        less and the only thing it was good for was  sians 4: 5-6.  "Be wise in the way you act to-
        stuffing.  She couldn't be bothered to fly so  ward  outsiders;  make  the  most  of  every
        she walked everywhere.  It was truly comical  opportunity. Let your conversation be always
        but everybody loved her.  But where does the  full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you
        saying 'The wise, old Owl' come from?  Well,  may  know  how  to  answer  everyone."        In
        it is simply because they look wise.  Nothing  Summary, do not be an Owl, be wise.

        Give Yourself A Break...                                Exodus 20: 8-11
        I am probably the worst person in the world  life and feel good about yourself. Think of all
        to follow this piece of advice. It's very easy to  of the great things you have done, no matter
        beat ourselves up over the things we have  how small and congratulate yourself, think of
        done in our past or things we don't like about  all the people that you love and then think
        ourselves, it's easy to put ourselves under im-  about  how  much  they  love  you  back,  feel
        mense pressure to be a certain way or to live  loved. Think about everything you have and
        up to the expectations of others (big one for  think how wonderful it is to have them. Love
        me!), it's all too easy to get wrapped up in  all of the talent you possess, go stare in the
        daily life or get so engrossed in our careers  bathroom mirror at yourself and tell yourself
        that everything else starts to lose meaning,  what a wonderful person you are because all
        the list goes on...  This reflection is being writ-  of this is true. By doing this you will not only
        ten on a Sunday, so I have decided to use  feel really good about yourself but you will
        today as God intended. Sunday is a day of  have removed all of the negativity that sur-
        rest, I'm sure we all know this but how many  rounds your daily life. You will also be hon-
        actually follow it? While I was giving this a lit-  ouring  the  meaning  of  a  Sunday,  God  will
        tle thought, I decided that today, and every  love  that.  Because  you're  not  only  loving
        Sunday, from now on, will be known as 'Give  yourself you are also congratulating God on
        myself a break' day.  We can all rest from  doing a great job in creating such a wonderful
        work and relax in front of the TV, eat Sunday  person.  So there you go, a simple Sunday
        lunch but I want to add something else to  reflection. Finally, here's something special
        that. Be kind to yourself! Forget all the bad,  for a Sunday. Eat chocolate, cakes, biscuits,
        all of the stress, your work etc and think about  sweets,  whatever  your  fancy  is  because
        the good things that makes you who you are.  STRESSED reversed is DESSERTS. Happy
        Think of all of those who you have helped in  munching!!
               Rest Contently, unshaken by trouble

                                                           Proverbs 19: 23

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