Page 18 - Have Faith
P. 18

Day 19                        Trust in his answers and his timing...

        I have some questions...                                   Isaiah 41: 10
        I have some questions running through my  to be forgiven when I know I’ve messed up.
        head at the moment.  Maybe the readers of  Hopefully, all of us do that at some time.  The
        this reflection will help me to answer them.    thing is, it’s ok to be like that.  That’s what
        My first question is, what does it mean for  being  human  is  all  about.    It  is  also  what
        one to be right?  Does it mean to follow the  being a Christian is all about.  I think this also
        law?  Does it mean to punish those who are  goes for most faiths.  Wasn’t this the story of
        wrong?  Does it mean to put down those who  St Paul?  The man who wrote a big chunk of
        do wrong and we don’t trust and then tell  the new testament?  The man who perse-
        everybody else so they can persecute them  cuted  anyone  who  spoke  of  Christianity?
        too?    Secondly,  how  can  we  make  better  The man who was present and witnessed the
        when we have done wrong?  When we have  brutal execution of one of Jesus’s followers?
        done something wrong in our lives and we  The man who had to start again and con-
        find it difficult to be trusted again, how do we  vince everybody that he wasn’t the murder-
        move forward?  Lastly, how hard is it to really  ous persecutor he once was?  This was a
        forgive?  Three questions that I constantly  man of the law.  This was a man who upheld
        search for the answers.  Yet these are ques-  the law and did what he thought was right.
        tions that I feel we have all asked of our-  Persecuting  people  for  speaking  of  Jesus
        selves at some point in our lives.  I know I  and love was wrong, people were imprisoned
        have and sometimes I still do.  I am not per-  or even executed for it.  It makes you think.
        fect by any means, nor is anybody else that I  In this day and age, one way that we defi-
        know.  You may be asking yourselves, where  nitely have changed is, it is so much harder
        are these questions coming from?  It’s funny  for us to forgive.  I hear how people have for-
        but just watching a film on the life of Saul of  given someone of a sin, yet will not speak to

        Tarsus (St Paul) really got me thinking.  Life  them or have anything to do with them.  In
        2000 years ago was very different to what it  my eyes, this is not forgiveness.  Forgive-
        is today for many obvious reasons but one  ness, to some people is not holding on to
        reason really sticks out, it is so much harder  what someone has done to you.  A kind of
        to believe in things these days.    If someone  way of freeing yourself.  This is not forgive-
        was to come up to you and say that Jesus  ness.  That is just not holding a grudge.  I
        had returned, it would be very hard to believe  read somewhere once that when God for-
        and that person would be persecuted as a  gives, he casts the sin to eternal forgetful-
        fool.    Even  though  the  Christian  faith  has  ness.  In a way, he wipes the slate clean.
        been  taught  that  one  day  it  will  happen.  Isn’t that what we were taught to do?  If it
        Hmmm. What do I think?  Honestly, I would  was, why are we not doing it?  If we can per-
        probably think the same because I am no dif-  secute someone for dong wrong how do we
        ferent than anybody else.  I would find it hard  expect to be treated when we, ourselves get
        to believe, yet I try hard to understand my  it wrong?  If we put someone down in public,
        own faith, such as it is.  Unlike a faith leader,  then should we expect the same to happen
        albeit  Christian,  Jewish,  Roman  Catholic,  to us?   Again, these are just questions in my
        Muslim or whatever, I cannot teach or preach  mind.  I am not preaching to anyone but I do
        the word of God.  Why?  Because I haven’t  find the world we live in to be a difficult place
        learnt it for myself properly.  I still do wrong  to be what we should be.  So, what does it
        from time to time, like us all.  I make mis-  mean to be right?  I am still looking for the
        takes, like us all.  I turn my back, like us all.  answer.  Is there anybody out there qualified
        But I am learning to turn back again and ask  enough to tell me?

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