Page 22 - Have Faith
P. 22

Day 24 & 25                      Even the puddles can sustain life...

        Puddles...                                                   Luke 1: 79
        One of the things that is really hard to do is  of the sky. It completely bowled me over. In
        see the good in bad. When things go wrong,  that moment I truly believed that in this cold,
        really wrong, it seems just about impossible  wet puddle on the ground God was showing
        that things will ever be good again. I, for one,  me heaven. Now, you may be saying to your-
        have felt that on numerous occasions. But I  self that he's lost the plot but the truth is that
        do  believe  that  after  dark  there  is  always  puddle lifted my heart when I was feeling
        light.  Just recently, I had to go into town to  pretty unhappy. I don't look at puddles in the
        get a few necessities. The rain was coming  same way anymore.  One of my favourite
        down in bucket loads and I knew I was in for  Bible chapters sums this up really nicely for
        a soaking. I got to the shop in a totally foul  me. It is at 2 Corinthians 4:6. It says "For
        mood, got what I needed in a real grump and  God, who said, "Light shall shine out of dark-
        set off back home. To my delight, when I got  ness,"  is  the  One  who  has  shone  in  our
        outside, the rain had stopped and the sky  hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of
        was clearing beautifully. Although I could feel  the glory of God in the face of Christ". What
        my socks soaking my poor feet, I started to  this tells me is, no matter how bad life can
        feel a little better. On my way home I saw a  get, no matter how low we feel, no matter
        huge  puddle  and  a  thought  came  to  my  what the world throws at us, a time will return
        mind.  It  struck  me  how  everybody  avoids  when we will be happy again. Oh yes, the
        puddles because they are cold and wet and,  next time you see a puddle, stop and look at
        frankly, a real pain in the feet. But by avoid-  it and if you feel the urge, do what Gene
        ing them we miss their beauty. I looked into  Kelly did in 'Singing in the Rain'.   Just make
        this puddle and saw an incredible reflection  sure nobody is watching!

        Pride...                                                 Proverbs 11: 2
        Here is another one of those minefields that  my magazine, my songs and poetry, and
        I like walking in so much.  Are you an opti-  find some comfort or help in the words.  I
        mist or a pessimist? Arguments are strong  have to believe that will happen or there's
        for both cases.  I love the old saying 'Is the  no point in doing it.  Having Faith and be-
        glass half empty or half full?'  What do you  lieving in what we do is such an important
        think?  Personally, I would like to think that  part of our makeup, it gives us the drive to
        the glass is completely full.  50% water to  go on and the strength to succeed in what-
        drink and 50% air that we can breathe.  But  ever we do. Biblical optimism is the result of
        that's just me.  I read an interesting quote  faith  in  the  character  of  God.  The  Bible
        which says 'The pessimist sees the difficulty  refers to this as “hope.” Romans 15:13 says,
        in every opportunity while the optimist sees  “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and
        the opportunity in every difficulty.'  That par-  peace as you trust in him, so that you may
        ticular  quote  got  me  thinking  for  quite  a  overflow with hope by the power of the Holy
        while about my own views.  For me, that  Spirit.” When we hope in God, we put our
        saying said that optimists have faith.  The  trust in His sovereign plan above what our
        more I think about that, the more I believe  circumstances tell us. Romans 8:23–35 ex-
        it.   As a soldier, I think we all have to be op-  plains it this way: “But hope that is seen is
        timists or how do we justify what we are  no hope at all. Who hopes for what they al-
        doing without faith and hope that after the  ready have? But if we hope for what we do
        battle things will be better.  We have to be-  not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” Paul is
        lieve  that  or  we  wouldn't  fight.    My  fight,  speaking of our future reward and the things
        these days, is that someone will read the  that “God has prepared for those who love
        things I write, whether it be my reflections,  him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

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