Page 20 - Have Faith
P. 20
Day 21 No weapon formed against you shall prosper...
Saints and Dragons... Revalation 12: 7-9
Quite a few times a week I find myself sat in execution, but before he was put to death he
St George's Military Chapel in Worcester gave all of his wealth to the poor. His sense
Cathedral. It is a stunning place to be, full of of humanity, honour and courage is a true
past Colours of local Regiments, plaques ho- testament and he remains as a real inspira-
nouring fallen heroes, the most beautiful tion to every soldier. The dragon story, un-
stained glass windows all within a small part fortunately is just a legend, although a
of the Cathedral. The feeling of serenity and colourful one, which came about in the 14th
peace is overwhelming making it the one Century. Worth reading though! St Michael
place where I can go to make sense of is actually not a Saint but a Archangel. He is
things. The windows are truly beautiful with the leader of the angels sent to defeat Satan
tributes to the forces adorning the left and in the book of revelations. He, basically, is
right window while the centre window shows God's soldier against evil. The picture on the
a magnificent picture of St Michael with our stained glass window is actually St Michael
Lord above him. Although I go there to just defeating Satan in the form of a dragon as
think and talk to God, I find myself staring at depicted in the Bible's final book. The moral
the centre window and wondering what it of today's reflection is a very simple one.
was that made St Michael, the Patron Saint Just of inspiration and justifying myself as a
of Warriors. I have to admit, (me being a bit soldier. Over the years since leaving the
of a thicky) when I first saw the window I Army there have been many struggles with
thought the window was of St George as he my thoughts and service. I won't go in to de-
had his foot on a dragon, also as St George tails but just sitting in that tiny Chapel and
is the Patron Saint of Soldiers it was easy to having ten minutes to not only speak to God
make the wrong assumption. But as we have but also to consider the great names of the
both of these Saints in the Chapel, let's take Saints there and also the many tributes to
a quick look at them. St George was a sol- the fallen surrounding the walls just puts it all
dier in the Roman Army reaching the rank of in to place. It may only last a short while but
Tribunus (Colonel) by the time he reached every time I do it I gain strength. So my ad-
his late twenties. When the arrest was or- vice for you today is to put this little bit of
dered of every Christian soldier in the army Worcester on your bucket list. I would be re-
(302AD) He opposed the decision and put ally interested to know how you felt when
his faith in Christ. This lead to his torture and you left the Cathedral.
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