Page 17 - Have Faith
P. 17
Day 18 Be Strong and Courageous...
Courage... Ephesians 6:10-18.
I remember a young soldier who joined our courage? Doing brave things? Doing things
Battalion some years ago. He was a thin, wiry nobody else would do? Maybe we see these
fellow with a very pleasant attitude and a very thrill seekers and daredevils having courage
friendly approach. His politeness was incred- (Personally, I think they have a death wish
ible. Just five minutes spent with him would and are totally bonkers but that's just me). No,
tell you that this was a lad who had been to all of the above. True courage is very sim-
taught so many good values in life. His par- ple. It is the presence of fear yet the will to go
ents and school had clearly done a fantastic on. You don't have to show outstanding qual-
job in raising him. The problem was he was ities to possess courage. In fact, it is the
not seen as a typical infantry soldier. For that, weakest among us who show the most
he was seen as weak and to be in the wrong courage. In both of our examples today, the
place. Yet, he didn't quit. By the time I left the smaller, weaker man overcame his fear in the
Battalion, he had done very well for himself, face of overwhelming odds to triumph. Both
he had been promoted to the rank of Ser- of them were not given a snowballs chance in
geant and was a highly respected character. a furnace but by believing in themselves and
He still wasn't the biggest guy in the world but believing that God had their back, they over-
he was not one to be picked on. The Bible came. Do you have a situation that terrifies
tells us of a similar character in the Old Tes- you? Do you feel you are not good enough or
tament. In 1 Samuel, we learn of how a small brave enough to do what must be done?
lad defeated the huge Goliath, a fearsome Does it feel that the odds are stacked against
warrior clad in Armour and heavily armed. you? This is where you will show true
Yes, we all know the story of David and Go- courage. Take heart, trust in God and trust
liath but in both of our cases here consider yourself and despite your fear go forward fo-
the courage of the underdog. But before we cused on your goal. This is not my advice, this
do this, let's define courage. What is comes directly out of the ultimate book of life. 17 |